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Posts posted by VladdyforHOF

  1. I see everyone talking about Walsh's defense. First base isn't a high-priority defensive position. If they play great D at first then great, but when the position requires mostly receiving throws, it's better to have a first baseman that mashes.

  2. Do they have a 60-40 run in them? That puts them at 92 wins, possibly enough to sneak in by WC.

    I love what this team has the potential to do. But they really need to clean up the mental mistakes to pull off this type of run.

    To avoid becoming sellers at the deadline I believe the Angels need to play at the very least 10 games over .500 from now until then to stay in it. Do they have it in them?

    Texas only needs to go 55-47 for 95 wins. Yikes. They will surely regress, but they've put themselves in an amazing position.

  3. 1 minute ago, Swordsman78 said:

    Ohtani certainly isn't making much of a case for being worth 1/2 Billion $$, and he certainly has come up empty in far to many opportunities that would have helped the Halos get into striking distance.

    His pitching hasn't even been stellar lately. How long can he sustain being a TWP? Maybe we are going to lose him at the right time?

  4. 2 minutes ago, drpiranha said:

    They need another relief pitcher who can gets outs...It doesn't have to be a lefty. DFA Loup and bring back Wantz.

    Relief pitching wasn't the problem in this game. Loup will get DFA'd bullpen is fine. What's not fine and what lost the game tonight was the fucking piss poor hitting with runners on base. And the ball Urshela should have fielded. And the 0-2 hits Detmers gave up back to back. Just garbage baseball tonight again from this team.

  5. I'm bumping this because tired of watching Walsh already and this team has been urgent this year on replacing players that aren't producing.

    When Rendon is back the right move has to be Urshela to 1B everyday. Walsh on the bench.

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