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Everything posted by angelsfan100

  1. Yeah yeah I know. lol Just thought I'd attempt to rally the troops. But good point.
  2. Can we just have fun? I'm not telling people how to "fan" or whatever, but constant negativity is getting quite old and tired. Yes, Arte sucks and needs to sell the team. But how about we just enjoy some Angels baseball? I see probably more negativity on social media than I do here. However, it's just growing tiresome.
  3. In the immortal words of my grandfather - you jerked off too close to the sun, mother f*cker!
  4. I needed this thread honestly. I'm having a good laugh reading through it. Never change AW, never change.
  5. Dude. No Nut November was 6 months ago. You're gonna get yourself killed.
  6. Not that anyone cares, (or that it matters) but over at r/baseball on reddit they're going full in on the idea it was 100% Ippei who did it. I know they're mostly doyer fan boys, but hilarious nonetheless. Critical thinking isn't their strongsuit.
  7. Interesting. I'm curious as someone from Vegas would you be against the As building a new stadium?
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