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Sho Way That Was A Strike

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Everything posted by Sho Way That Was A Strike

  1. Did anyone seriously think last night was them turning the corner. They still suck. 25 runs or 13 runs won’t do it when they have pitching like this.
  2. Lol. So in what inning do we lose? This team is classic buttercup.
  3. Friend texted me we were up 3-0. I said it wouldn’t last. Ah, the life of an Angels fan.
  4. I don’t want to be paying Ohtani 50 million when he’s 40. I think they should definitely trade him. Arte doesn’t want to be known as the man that dealt Ohtani but he might just be the man that let him walk.
  5. Well rested or not, it’s the same team. Why expect any less? Or should I say more?
  6. We knew it was gonna happen. When’s the last time this team was contending after the AS break? And yeah they’re “only” 5 games out of the last wild card spot. But does anyone really think this isn’t going to continue? Even if they make it, it’s two and done.
  7. Rengifo has gotten back to his normal self I see. Waste of a roster spot.
  8. It’s not depressing because it happens every damn year. You get used to it. It does suck though.
  9. Of course it is. It’s the same shit the past 8 years. Either they start on fire. Then suck. And miss the playoffs. Or they start crappy. Then get hot. Then suck just enough to miss the playoffs. Throw in a couple long winning streaks a year, just enough to make us believe we have a chance. The end result is no playoffs and we are looking forward to next season thinking it’ll finally be our year. There’s a reason I haven’t been to a game in three years.
  10. The baseball gods won’t let this team get too close to a playoff spot. They need to keep the balance.
  11. Win some, lose some. The story of this franchise. Just not good enough.
  12. Cabrera was the first thought for me as well. But Trout’s back condition didn’t do him any favors. His stats aren’t terrible, they just look really bad for a guy that usually kills the ball. Let’s wait a year or two before we really worry.
  13. It’s just the same old script. Change the manger. Pitching coach. Hitting coach. GM. Hot dog vendor. Etc. Nothing is different. Sign a vet that produced the previous year(s)… he’s subpar or injured. Get hot and go on a sustained streak… a big losing streak is next. Player A gets hot, gets injured. Comes back half the player he was. Player B gets called up. Plays great. Gets hurt. Sent down when he returns because he crashes back to Earth. Score double digit runs on a Friday. Get shutout on a Saturday. Pitchers throw lights out. Batters cold as ice. Batters hitting everything. Pitchers throwing everything that gets hit. Score 9 runs. Give up 11. I don’t even expect big things anymore. I see us up by 6 in the 3rd inning and I think to myself will we win?
  14. I think we are screwed either way. Ohtani resigns with us for like 10 years 500 mil or something and he pitches like… well every other pitcher we have. Maybe he has a few good years but then he’s mediocre. I mean do we expect him to win a CYA at 38 or something? And he’s probably going to have to give up the two way thing at some point. The other scenario is he leaves and ushers in a new era of success in New York or LA. I love Shohei. I mean look at my screen name. But I personally think the safest thing is to deal him. Don’t let him walk and don’t mortgage the future (do we even have a good one at this point) to keep him.
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