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Sho Way That Was A Strike

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Everything posted by Sho Way That Was A Strike

  1. I always laugh when someone says “it’s early!” Dude, we’ve gone through the same script for how many years now?
  2. If the Angels are well… Angel’ing… by the break, do they deal Ohtani? Or does Arte milk him for the rest of the year as a farewell tour?
  3. Isn’t that the Angels history? “Should we sign him?” ”Well he’s had a pedestrian career.” ”Yeah but look at last year. He was better than half our team.” “Get the Rolodex!”
  4. I think he’s gone if the Angels miss the playoffs. But then again this organization hired Phil Nevin full time so…
  5. Not really. But I figured this was a loss or at least a close game as soon as I saw all the posts about how Washington sucks and we should win easily.
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