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Sho Way That Was A Strike

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Everything posted by Sho Way That Was A Strike

  1. So how many times are we gonna trot Suarez out there to start games before we realize he’s not good?
  2. What does that S mean by the pitchers name? I don’t see that very often. Usually it’s BS.
  3. Don’t get up at 8. Wait til later when the pen ruins a great Ohtani start. Actually… watch him give up like 6 runs tomorrow in one inning.
  4. The Angels with RISP are like the Diva matches in wrestling. You get up and go take a leak because you know nothing important is happening.
  5. Get them next time. Or don’t. Good thing Boston could face us after getting manhandled by Tampa.
  6. I like Logan the Bunny a lot. I hope they don’t start platooning him with Stassi when he comes back.
  7. I’m sure that having the bases loaded twice and scoring one run won’t come back and bite us.
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