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Sho Way That Was A Strike

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Everything posted by Sho Way That Was A Strike

  1. Hopefully whatever it was it was Ohtani that asked to be pulled. But I don’t see him asking that. I mean I hope it was something like “we are taking precautions after his last three games with cramps” but with this team he will probably sit a few games and then go on the IL. Cursed franchise.
  2. Did Ohtani’s arm fall off? That’s the only way I’d pinch hit for him. Actually, no. I’d still send him up.
  3. Who didn’t see that coming? Angels miss a golden opportunity and the other team scores a run right after? And this probably means Ohtani will homer next inning. So we can see the “Ohtani homers twice as the Angels lose… “ meme.
  4. I feel like every year we see a guy that starts out mediocre, has one or two good or great years, and then the magic dust wears off and he turns into a pumpkin again. Walsh. Rengifo. Ward. Fletcher. I could go on…
  5. So does this mean we are about to drop five straight per the usual roller coaster season?
  6. I am literally shocked Reyes comes in and gives up a run just like he did his last (and only) three games.
  7. You gotta love Thaiss swinging on the first pitch after a pitcher has allowed four runs and is having control issues.
  8. No kidding. German couldn’t find the strike zone if his life depended on it and he’s bailed out by Moniak, Ward, and Moose.
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