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Everything posted by RallyMo

  1. I dunno that even Scioscia would have taken him out at that point. Bumggarner is the reason that the Giants won that series. He should receive all of the WS rings when they pass them out. His performance was good beyond comprehension. Bravo to him. I doubt we'll ever see such dominance from a pitcher in the series again.
  2. Not really, IMO. They represent an outrageous viewpoint that will never be accepted. Your time is better used worrying about more legitimate issues. There are always going to be some absolute nutters out there. You know where I went to school. You know the kind of people that can be encountered in a liberal community. I didn't come in contact with anybody that wouldn't consider the ending of a human life post birth anything short of murder. This is silly.
  3. 1 to 2 is indicative of a growing number. I find this very difficult to believe. This is sensationalism at its best.
  4. Yep. The Oregon game was encouraging to me on the third down point, in that we actually made Oregon punt a few times. What drives me mad is how vulnerable the team is on third and long. There were some crap calls and more importantly some special teams gaffes that made that Oregon game less competitive than it could have been.
  5. It does seem like we're making good progress on both fronts, honestly. It's unbelievable how poor the state of the program had become by the time Tedford was fired. If I recall correctly, I'm hoping that you were right in your initial assessment of the Dykes hire. Last year was such a disaster, but I think it was reflective of what a complete regime change may bring in a fully dysfunctional system (business, football program, etc).
  6. lol... http://bearinsider.com/forums/showthread.php?87841-RIP-Cal-football
  7. 4 star on defense just signed on. We need more. We need lots and lots of defense. Sell that playing time. http://sports.yahoo.com/ncaa/football/recruiting/player-Russell-Ude-149458
  8. So much for special admits... http://www.mercurynews.com/sports/ci_26823904/80-percent-cal-recruits-must-have-3-0
  9. Spot the f on. Well done, 2013 RallyMo.
  10. Whoa, so you got to see JD Booty from the student section? Nice.
  11. Yeah, but we're Kal. Get back to me about things like that when Berkeley gets the love child of Chris Kattan and Aldrich Ames to run the biosciences department. Also, if it weren't for that one loss that USC was actually incompetent enough to allow to happen, USC would actually have a BCS title. As it stands, they ended up with just as many BCS titles as good ol' hippie lovin' Kal. Go Bears!
  12. Too bad usc decided on two idiot sleazebags for head coaches to guide them through and out of sanctions.
  13. lol, because it's true... http://www.sbnation.com/college-football/2014/10/28/7068853/college-football-weekend-recap-week-9 Epworth sleepiness scale A standard questionnaire to determine whether an individual is sleepy or not, though you can save some trouble and time by simply asking if they've been watching Pac-12 football this year, specifically Cal football. Cal is like the fire department, if the fire department showed up with flamethrowers and napalm. Even in this year's fully realized cartoon football Pac-12, the Bears remain the most cartoonish of cartoon teams. Your game? It will take nothing short of four hours. Is the game over? No, the game is never over. Twenty-one points is striking distance with anything less than four minutes in the game. Can the Cal defense hold? Yes, for two downs, two illusory downs giving the impression of hope. Then, as they did against Oregon, the Bears will give up third-and-21, and the cycle starts again. Did this all start at 10 p.m. ET or beyond? Of course it did. And with zero respect for human life, the need for sleep, or for defense. Someone from the SEC or Big Ten might hire Sonny Dykes just to end this. That someone should be Michigan, because you really, really want to see a disgusted Dantonio's reaction to defending an air raid team in freezing temperatures.
  14. I would hope they also fold HBO Go into the unified search. Hulu Plus and Showtime are already part of it. We stream everything and our plan with ATT has HBO and Showtime, so we stream those.
  15. The FireTV itself is slated to get HBO Go by year's end, so I imagine that the FireTV stick will get it as well. The stick won't have voice built into the remote, but the control app for phones will. Also, Netflix will be integrated into the voice search, which will allow Netflix shows to be part of the unified search and make it so you won't necessarily have to launch the Netflix app itself.
  16. I have the FireTV box. I've rooted it. It's snappy. I like it.
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