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Everything posted by Rico

  1. It's not safe being a UFO right now.
  2. Oh, the Twitter files didn't cover this. Also Twitter completely broke earlier today.
  3. https://www.forbes.com/sites/mattnovak/2023/02/04/yes-chinese-spy-balloons-flew-over-the-us-when-president-trump-was-in-office-too/?sh=574bd91d3ea3
  4. Once saw Polonia run from home to second on a pass ball ball-four.
  5. Figgins, Figgins, Figgins, and Polonia. I liked the speedsters.
  6. We're doing that thing again where we're pushing our top prospects up too soon.
  7. The other NB star is Kawhi. Ohtani being traded to Clippers confirmed.
  8. One player who isn’t on Anaheim’s radar is Gary Sanchez, Nightengale reports.
  9. Arte realized that franchises from the major sports leagues don't lose value. He purchased the Angels for less than 200 million, can flip the team right now for 2-3 billion easily, and in 10 years it probably doubles again. Our only hope is for Arte to realize he's flush with capital and can afford to go a bit more crazy with payroll. Not holding my breath though.
  10. Remember when y'all were afraid of a woke ownership group? Lol
  11. Doesn't seem to have helped Inside Pitch's swing.
  12. This is like one of those spring training Pujols threads, "He's been working out all winter and not super fat anymore."
  13. https://www.fangraphs.com/depthcharts.aspx?position=Team 12.8 projected WAR from our starting rotation. Dead last in RP though.
  14. Trump appeased Putin at every turn. You think that was a better strategy? That it didn't contribute to what has happened since?
  15. https://www.cnn.com/2023/01/12/politics/taylor-dudley-navy-veteran-released-russia/index.html
  16. Joe Biden was purposely elected to be an empty suit. He has succeeded masterly in that regard and will be re-elected.
  17. Diamond of "Diamond and Silk" died of COVID. COVID has absolutely devastated Trump's base.
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