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Posts posted by Angel

  1. 10 minutes ago, ukyah said:

    this thread sucks so hard it's making the angels worse. i think there's some strong trolling going on within these pages.

    The truth usually sucks, the team uniforms are boring, team needs a new look.  The organization is underperforming as a whole.  We aren't the lovable red and white Anaheim Scioscias anymore.

  2. 7 minutes ago, Chuckster70 said:

    Very few PTBNLs are of known star quality at the time of the trade; however, some minor league PTBNLs have gone on to be productive in the majors, including Michael Brantley, Jeremy Bonderman, Scott Podsednik, Coco Crisp, Marco Scutaro, Moisés Alou, Jason Schmidt, Gio González, David Ortiz, and Trea Turner.

    Was that from the post in MLBTR?

  3. 12 minutes ago, Stradling said:

    ok.  the notion that teams would stay away from trading with the Angels is something you made up then you spoke to it as fact.  So yea, it is pretty dumb.  Me being dumb has nothing to do with how dumb your opinion was.

    I'd likely avoid Arte if I was a GM/owner.  You don't want to be the one guy that lost in a trade to him, we all know Eppler is not the one calling the shots.

  4. 6 minutes ago, totdprods said:

    If no one pays, no harm done. I think Bundy is going to be a very good pitcher for the foreseeable future and absolutely an essential part of our 2021 hopes if he isn’t dealt .

    I can see teams like the Dodgers, who are loaded and have been continually falling short, who still have a great future, looking at their playoff team and deciding they’d much rather pin Game Three hopes on someone a little more MLB-tested like Dylan Bundy rather than an untested rookie or Ross Stripling, who can they deploy to swing-man, relief, emergency starter roles in the playoffs instead. For them, they’re close enough and desperate enough to take the risk of a prospect flourishing elsewhere to get that ring now.

    Yeah that's a scenario that could play out, the question is why should we unload the first good pitcher we've seen pitch for us since Ohtani?  Should we trade him and help the Dodgers? 

  5. 6 minutes ago, totdprods said:

    I don’t want to trade Bundy at all. I think they should try and sign him to a 3/$30m Lance Lynn type deal ASAP. Even if he reverts that’s decent money for a back of the rotation innings eater. If he progresses, it’s a steal. In both cases, the contract isn’t prohibitive and he maintains trade value over the life of the deal. In many ways, the fact that Lynn is available helps Bundy’s value. I see them pretty similarly and if the Rangers are asking a fortune for him, the Angels offering Lynn 2.0 could get someone to overpay for him, thinking they’re getting a deal.

    That said, if Los Angeles, Toronto or San Diego offered a Top 100 prospect, especially an MLB-ready arm because they have plenty and want to win this year and next, and another intriguing piece or two, it’d be hard to turn down. I’m talking Ruiz, Gonsolin, Gray, Graterol, Groshans, Richardson, Patino, Campusano, Morejon, plus another piece or two with immediate impact or future upside. 

    And it would have to be made within the context of some other deals. Dealing Bundy wouldn’t be enough to rebuild our 2021 hopes. We’d need to be cashing in on Goodwin/Marsh or at least dealing the expiring vets for other pieces to contribute next year, because even the Bundy return won’t tilt the needle. We need to shuffle the deck more than that.

    Great post,


    I can't see paragraph two happening for various reasons not excluding team's look at the Angels as an injured or dead animal in the road, they kind of just stay out of our way.  We basically need to coddle any arms that show promise and never let go, so far we've got Ohtani and Bundy looking like good future return.

  6. 57 minutes ago, totdprods said:

    Of course we'd all prefer to get pitching back, but it's also pretty likely a team like the Jays would be really hesitant to part with pitching. They need all they can get. 

    Generalizing very broadly, would you rather trade Simmons/La Stella/Castro for a B-rated infielder or a C-rated pitcher? Or nothing? There's a chance Toronto doesn't even offer up C-level pitching prospects because they want to maintain their own depth or use their better pitching prospects in the offseason to target long-term help in the outfield or rotation. They're only buying one month's worth of rentals here. 

    We ned quality players across the board still. The struggles of Rengifo, Thaiss, Ward, Walsh, Hermosillo prove that even our own AAA depth isn't very productive. If the best prospect we can get for an expiring contract is an infielder, outfielder, pitcher, catcher, reliever, whatever - I'll take it over nothing. 

    If we want quality pitching, we're only going to get it if we part with Fletcher, Adell, Marsh, Goodwin, Bundy or bigger deals involving our own pitching, i.e. Canning, Buttrey.

    I feel like trading Bundy for 'pitching' is going to backfire badly.   Dude's our only reliable starting pitcher basically, he has earned his keep as far as I'm concerned.

  7. 4 minutes ago, ukyah said:

    how about by not being one of those teams constantly changing their uniforms, they then become the sox, yankees, and dodgers.

    build a brand.

    I would agree if I loved the uniforms, but I don't.  There is something left to be desired about the color scheme, like 'we're Angels and will never hurt you'.  I want to be the intimidating Angels not the forgiving, kind Angels.

  8. 3 minutes ago, failos said:

    Idk, I like them. They’re non-offensive, and clean looking. Sure they could be better, but this thread is like not seeing the forest for the trees. Who gives a shit about uniforms

    I do, and I know other people care.  It's off day, I am trying not to focus on the team as it stands, I was actually able to eat something today.

  9. 1 hour ago, floplag said:

    If by change you mean go back to the blue/red design of the past, yes. 

    I feel like they can improve on the red/dark blue 90s design (although the hat <<< is perfect imo), some slight modernization and if Arte can quit being part of L.A. to spite the Dodgers, we'll be back to CA/Anaheim Angels in no time.

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