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Everything posted by Brandon

  1. i remember the huge infusion when we all came over from espn, but is aw essentially the culmination of espn and omb? it seemed like there were a few established heads here when we all came over. i actually remember chuck chiming in a bit on espn and the idea kind of grew about another board because of the trolls that couldn't be contained. it seemed like the perfect storm and chuck dropped aw and it seemed within a day all the main dudes at espn were now over here.
  2. probably the only goth republican i'll ever meet.
  3. justin houston practiced today. time for the defense and pass rush to get back to what they were initially.
  4. I think most trades look lopsided well after they are consummated once all the data is processed. Good call Coach on Berroa, forgot about him. I remember Wood and Santana were the alledged centerpieces for a Manny Ramirez deal. The more I think about it, the more I think this kind of stuff mentioned in the article is dependent on the franchise and their style. Teams that are always going to compete and in a win mode now are going to plug away at FA while teams that know they have a smaller payroll are going to build through the farm and plug in cheap replacements. Teams that seem to try and do both with no real identity are kind of lost.
  5. Arte is said to be willing to do so if it makes sense. Also, the CBT is calculated for all teams at the start of the season. To my knowledge, trading during the season doesn't get a team under.
  6. Interesting article. I see the point and Meyers may work out, but I'm not opposed to what the Royals did (the same way I didn't mind the Angels and Greinke). If you think you're close, as the Royals are and were set for these years with their farm system now up in the majors, it makes sense and at some point to proverbially shit or get off the pot with one of the best farm systems ever assembled....not that potential equates to guaranteed success, but you have to take a shot at some point. Meyers is also no sure thing. We saw it with Wood and even the Royals have seen it first hand with that guy in the 90's that won ROY (the dude with the Chris Sabo goggles), I think Bob Hamlin, that ended up doing shit. Good article though and food for thought on a business end. My only knock is the projections are hypotheticals (which also means I could eat crow if they are exceeded). I still am of the thought of getting known commodities for unknown farm players, but this looks even more favorably for the Rays because this is how they have to operate like the A's.
  7. yes network is one of the greatest sports ventures of all time.
  8. Cleveland Washington Denver Kansas City Miami Cincinnati Carolina St Louis Jacksonville Seattle Detroit Baltimore San Diego Green Bay Chicago Mon Dec 23 San Francisco
  9. "Two chicks.....at the same time"
  10. I actually used to talk with Jon quite a bit back in the day. He was a cool dude that knew his booze as he was a distributor. He did kind of just fall off the map. I remember when he stopped posting, but was active on Myspace/Facebook, then stopped with that as well. Good to hear he deleted his account. I always felt bad because when I had my stalker that was causing problems on my Facebook I deleted almost everyone from here as I simply didn't know who it was. I never thought it was him, just deleted everyone. He always made me laugh because he was a good poster, but his avatar was always some kind of glamor shot of himself.
  11. There was a dude on the ESPN boards that would always end his posts with "Big Pimpen" (sic) I think we made fun of it enough that he stopped. The tie in is this was also the same guy that started the phrase "sick lineup". If I remember correctly it was all in the same post. He noted a sick lineup, posted one, then ended it with big pimpen.
  12. Giving that contract to Romo was absurd then and still is.
  13. Disagree. These awards always go to the turn around teams, it's like that for all sports really. Chiefs had a lot of problems and it's the same defense as last year outside a corner and defensive end. I'm not even saying Reid should win it. But taking a 2-14 team to potentially 13-3 is one of the biggest turn arounds of all time and voters look at stuff like that. Not a guy like Carrol that had a good season last year, were expected to go to the Super Bowl, and are doing all the same things to succeed. Carolina has a great turn around and Miami just had a lot of distractions and the coach pulled them together for a legit playoff run.
  14. haha, I remember this. I got it the worst back in the day with all the shot off the board and I totally remember Randy Winn being one of the funniest jokes ever. Granted, dude was on to me before I started with the Randy Winn trolling.
  15. naw, and it's a bummer you're going to run into a chainsaw of Seattle and then SF. coach of the year will be Andy Reid, Ron Rivera, or Joe Philbin
  16. Ha. When Chuck revamped to this new site/format he mentioned it being better security wise and some changes. I came back after years off the site, but wanted to be under the radar and just post in the Meat Locker. But as soon as I started posting people welcomed me back and John Stamos wasn't doing the job it was supposed to. I didn't want to deal with some people, but all the soccer posts was a give away.
  17. I like that Justin was always easy to spot.
  18. Yeah, I was joking around....and mentioned so a few posts after. He was the only old school dude I remembered well. But yeah, glassJAw there and initially here until you revamped the site the first time and we had to reregister. By that point we were already doing softball games, meeting up for beers or games, etc. and it just felt lame to meet people and introduce myself by some psuedonym so I started using the normal name...which others started doing as well when we reregistered.
  19. Not sure. I was actually new when he posted it or someone bumped it. I didn't know that dude had other stories, that would be awesome, even if they were fake. But yeah, dude had to have gotten aids in Brazil.
  20. That doesn't work Nate because, I believe everyone had to sign up again. Almost everyone has a name and date that says February 28th. It doesn't go beyond that.
  21. The ESPN boards were still solid comedy gold until they shut it down some time this year. The NFL board there was amazing.
  22. No pun intended, but they are going to price themself out. Will end up being Teixiera or Greinke type near the end trade.
  23. by the way, the best post ever on espn was the dude that went to brazil and did a recap of the trip.
  24. I'm not going to lie, I miss some of the trolling. There were some really funny dudes that would always get under the die hards skin.
  25. yes! although, i think you mentioned being stevestevens in one of the golf threads, but it's not the same.
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