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Lazorko Saves

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Everything posted by Lazorko Saves

  1. We just picked a guy who missed starts this year with arm soreness. I hate being a fan of this team.
  2. The whole "player X dropping means the teams passing on him know something" is a tired, overrated take.
  3. If it's not Kumar please let it be Bubba Chandler.
  4. Interesting. BA thought he was 42nd best player. Doesn't mean BA is right.
  5. Don't tease us. Rockies in a position to break our hearts.
  6. Henry Davis in the theater was a tell. Pirates told him to be there.
  7. There is a key ingredient that has been missing for many years now. Visible in the picture below.
  8. Interesting that we now have two sets of rankings (BA & mlb.com) that agree on the top 8 players (not in the same order). The 4 HS shortstops, the 2 Vandy pitchers, plus Henry Davis and Jackson Jobe. That's somewhat rare. That tells me there's a line between #8 and #9 on some draft lists.
  9. Pfft. Hard pass on Bill Bene 2.0 The words "wavering command" are doing some really heavy lifting in that article.
  10. For some weird reason, I really hope Sutton pronounces his name like the Hungarian John Cleese would......Andrew Waaaantz
  11. Sutton's actually a genius there, he reverse-psychology counter-cursed Walsh into hitting that HR. Kind of like Tim McCarver used to do unintentionally all time.
  12. This is beginning to drive me nuts. People are mistaking his style in the batter's box (very quiet hands, quiet feet, short swing) as some kind of secret body language that gives them an insight into his motivation levels. It's moronic. Look at Rendon in his big years with Washington. Same style. Very quiet. It's not a window into his soul. It's just what he's always done in the box. I guess these same people think Gary Sheffield with his wild bat waggle, high leg kick, and long front foot step meant he was trying really, really hard to perform. It's stupid. I think the only thing wrong with Rendon right now is his start of swing path, seems to me he's dipping that back shoulder a little much and popping a lot of stuff up. He can fix that.
  13. Are we sure the Tigers didn't think this was nickname night or something? So many fake names in their lineup. Funk House, Bad Doo, Gross Man, Hey Aass.
  14. Is this some new nickname for Joe Maddon? As in, "He's just here to collect a paycheck, they call him Cash-It Joe!"
  15. Also, I give you "Joe, you know I was hitting .331 in Salt Lake, right?":
  16. Also, I give you Regifo carrying Ohtani's bats:
  17. Also I give you, Regifo watching Gosselin and Wong playing 3B:
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