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Everything posted by ScottM

  1. There's something fundamentally broken with our organization that we turned Jo Adell (go watch his draft highlights) into a gigantic bust with the yips. Dude was destined to be a great player, and he still could, but it won't be with this org.
  2. I think the Cardinals are the team to watch here. If you can build around Jordan Walker and Liberatore and/or Graceffo, I think you have to seriously consider it.
  3. 261 for Sonny D is a big stretch lol but the only response to the weight question is: Prince Fielder. Obviously Sonny isn't Fielder but weight shouldn't matter.
  4. This is some great organizational decision making. "as soon as I heard them talking about my brother and making him money, too, that’s when I kind of freaked out. I have to take this." We're getting an extra 3rd round pick in the 11th round... I'm really interested in where all of this extra money is coming from though. Madden and presumable Caden way over slot.
  5. Not opposed considering the buffoons we have out there now and the potential that Joyce blows his elbow out again in his first appearance.
  6. Potential 2023 bullpen piece. Love this pick.
  7. Bill James is correct. If you're running an organization, you have to be honest about what you face. This org is an absolute mess right now. From the MLB to the DSL, we're in the worst position we've been in for a long long long time. If someone offers you a package of 4-5 young high upside guys for Trout, you have to consider it if Shohei is willing to sign. Trout will still likely be an Angel in the Hall of Fame and, let's face it, he doesn't look thrilled to be on this team. It could be the recent this organization needs. Start with locking up Ohtani and then build a team around him.
  8. Kill this fucking team with fire. There's nothing redeemable besides Trout and Ohtani.
  9. Not that stats matter much in the DSL but it is good to see Rada and De Jesus more than holding their own at 16.
  10. The organization has been a fucking mess for a over a decade. The only thing that will turn it around is Arte selling, which likely won't happen until he dies. He is singularly the cause of so many of our continuing issues. From the coaching to the involvement in shitty signings, not paying scouts, circular firing squad of announcers, etc etc etc it's all Arte.
  11. Cool to see Jose Iglesias having a great year in Colorado.
  12. It's really hard to sum up in words how completely pitiful this organization has been in the last 15 years.
  13. No bueno. The recoil... https://twitter.com/Jared_Tims/status/1530357173087113216?s=20&t=TaImG6wMiTpl8f6qZbWdBQ
  14. maybe I had super secret inside info......
  15. I must be misinformed. I'm deleting.
  16. This delivery is insanely unique and deceptive and probably makes his change that much better. It looks like he's combining the Tall and Fall delivery style with a Drop and Drive. Not sure I've ever seen that before. He also slows down a ton when he starts to Drop and Drive which probably fucks up the hitter's timing. Really fascinating prospect.
  17. In a lineup this deep, Velasquez has to be in there every day. He's a game changer defensively.
  18. Adell should be pissed being sent down. If he was happy, something would be wrong.
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