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Posts posted by Reveille1984

  1. I think one way or another things will work out.


    If Trout wants to stay, he'll get paid and have security and we'll have the best player in baseball locked up.


    If he makes it clear that he's going to test free agency or is leaning towards the east coast, imagine the package we could get for trading Trout in the last year or two of his contract if he keeps playing like this... his stock level would be astronomically high.  Could probably get a haul of top-end prospects that could replenish our team just as Hamilton, Wilson and Weaver's contracts are coming off the books. 


    Obviously we'd all prefer him to stick around and be an all-time franchise player type, but the longer things go without any extension talks the more pessimistic things will look.

  2. At least he has the trainwreck factor going for him, and the possibility of 20 losses.  And we got to see him eating a banana in the dugout for comedy relief. 


    Maybe his hideous goatee is throwing off his balance on the pitching rubber, I think I've seen at least a few woodland creatures living in there.

  3. Wopphil pretty much summed it up perfectly.


    I couldn't care less whether Scioscia stays or goes honestly.  No manager could have saved this trainwreck of a season.  We moved out all of our young talent for hopefully a few years of deep playoff runs and instead Pujols has crashed and burned, Hamilton is doing the same and the pitching has been patchwork for a couple years now.  Since everyone is locking up good young pitching and the free agent market gets thinner every year, we're really running out of options as Weaver and C.J. get older and we have zero arms to match up with them any time soon.  I could honestly see the Angels sucking for 4-5 years as they slowly replenish the farm and let some expensive contracts die out. 


    Imagine how terrible things would be if Trout didn't develop into the best player in the game.... ugh.  This team would be an unmitigated disaster, even more so than it already is.  If we're on a downswing, at least it's happening while the Rangers and A's are having some of their best seasons in years. 

  4. Since June 1st:


    Hamilton: .228/.275/.434, 10 BB, 40 K

    Trumbo: .193/.255/.400, 13 BB, 41 K

    Iannetta: .197/.319/.250, 2 XBH

    Pujols: .249/.333/.457


    Williams: 7.25 ERA, .940 (!) OPS against

    Blanton: 5.00 ERA, 48 hits in 48 IP, 13 BB

    Hanson (before injury): 5.10 ERA, 1.552 WHIP



    I mean, even if we had average and not terrible 3-5 starters, the bulk of our lineup (outside of Trout and Kendrick) are either injured or having some of the worst seasons of their careers. 

  5. Ahhh, the dreaded RBI, if no player was responsible for them then all pitchers would have an ERA of zero.


    But if we remove the RBI from evaluating a MOTO bat why do we put any value on that player? After all the point of the game is to score more runs than the opponent so there has to be some tangible value for a guy that seems to find a way to push a runner in scoring position across the plate.


    Unfortunately for Trumbo his value doing just that is squat. With runners on base he is hitting .217 with a .681 OPS. With runners in scoring position .216 with a .645 OPS. That means he sucks at generating the one redeeming value of keeping him in the lineup and that is offense.


    But you are right, RBIs are a false stat but only in a false theory of how baseball games are won.


    Ahhh, the dreaded win, if no pitcher was responsible for them then all teams would have a win total of zero.


    The point is to remove as much circumstantial and extraneous statistical data from an individual player's performance as possible.  The very definition of an RBI is that it's dependent on what the players hitting in front of you are doing.  Would Cabrera be on a 160+ RBI pace on the Marlins?  This is why stats like ISO, wRC+, WAR, OBP and etc. have been seeing more light of day.  The same way a 4.50 ERA pitcher can get 15+ wins if pitching for a great offensive team, or a middle reliever can pick up a win in specific circumstances. 


    RBI's are a byproduct of being a good hitter, since good hitters tend to hit in run-producing lineup slots.  Trout barely cracked the top 50 in RBI's last year but was far and away the best individual player in baseball.  They aren't a false stat, they just aren't a particularly valuable stat.

  6. Yeah, the only reason he's valuable is because he's making the league minimum and is under team control for three more years.  Still striking out at over 25% and not disciplined enough to balance it out.


    I don't really see us getting anything valuable for Trumbo anyways.  He's pretty much a one-tool 2 WAR guy with mediocre defense.  Would probably have to package him and Calhoun to get any decent arms. 

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