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Everything posted by angelsnationtalk

  1. Here's my take: Catcher: I would extend Castro. Although we all know Arte Moreno has his eyes on Realmuto.... First Base: If this world didn't revolve around Arte acting as a GM then we'd have one of LaStella, Ward, Thaiss, Walsh or jesus even Marsh getting more reps there. 2021 will be.... interesting Second Base: This is where LaStella should stay. If Rengifo can raise is baseball IQ and also hit the ball then he could eventually become the everyday guy. Side note: Aside from Pujols, Rengifo runs really weird. Shortstop: I'm sorry if I piss of Angels fans or huge Simba fans (which I am one of), but he's not worth a qualifying offer. Simmons is making $15M this season when technically his stats say he should be making no more than $10M. To offer him a raise of at least $2.8M is ridiculous. With that being said, Fletcher becomes the everyday shortstop. I think he gets better with time if he focuses on one position. Plus he's cheaper with a MUCH better bat. Third Base: Anthony Rendon because he's good and will be owed a lot of money.... duh Left Field: Justin Upton . I'd like to see Marsh called up very soon to get some serious reps in LF. Honestly, if he can get reps then that could make Goodwin become available via trade for bullpen help. Marsh could also force Upton to full time left bench. Center Field: Mike Trout. Though I agree with some people in that his walk rates are lower (obviously they can't pitch around him with Rendon behind him). Only concerning thing for me is he's been HR or nothing. Which is fine cuz it's Mike Trout.... Right Field: Since 2020 is basically in the dumps, let Adell play every game. Let him go through the learning curves now where there is no pressure to make playoffs and no fans to entertain. DH: Here's where Ohtani comes into play. He'd be a much better hitter if he'd stop moving his hips to first base every time he swings. If he stays in the box then he use all fields quite well. Bullpen: What bullpen? Although I still do like the combos of Buttrey, Robles, Middleton (despite him hating Angels fans). Perhaps bringing up some young arms could help. Also would be nice to get a veteran arm to lead these guys. Starting Pitching: Here's the holes I see for the 2021 season: #1: nobody, #2: MAYBE Bundy, #3: Ohtani???, #4: Canning, #5: Heaney #6: Detmers. Angels still have rotation question marks and now it's in spots 1-3. ANGELS NEED PITCHING DEAR LORD FOR THE THOUSANDTH TIME.
  2. They need to let Simmons walk IMO. I don't think Arte would buy out Albert, though i'd like that. Question is, what would the $ look like if that happened.
  3. Let's take a moment and talk about after the playoffs and after this who 2020 mystery season ends... Angels will have to make some big decisions on what to do with some core players. Andrelton Simmons is expected to become a free agent and the money he may command could be used in much better areas to give the Angels a much better chance at competing. As much as I love watching Simba make ridiculous plays at SS his style of play has become very one-sided. His bat has struggled (though the injuries haven't helped), and David Fletcher has shown that he can provide solid defense with one hell of a bat. I said this last year too that Fletcher should become the shortstop and the Angels need to use the money for pitching. After missing out on the Cole sweepstakes last offseason, the Angels are in desperate need to keep acquiring pitching. Dylan Bundy looks to lead the staff next year as the Ace, but with Ohtanias a big question mark for 2021, the Angels need to bolster their rotation with premium arms. And no, Heaney/Canning/Teheran aren't aces. They need to make a run at Trevor Bauer and/or Marcus Stroman (like every team will). The FA list is deep so there are other names on there as well... Secondly, Justin Upton. With Brandon Marsh waiting in the wings and Upton flirting with the .100 line, I don't think the Angels are considering moving Marsh in a trade deal for a good arm any time soon. I understand 2020 is a crazy year where everyone is off (kinda), but we can all agree that Upton batting and in the outfield is a hazard without even discussing his bearish stat lines. Maddon has done a good job recognizing that Upton and Pujols are becoming issues and not playing them as frequently as Scioscia/Ausmus did and this could potentially put the bug in Eppler's ear to do something. Either way, as much as I love watching Simba bless the fans of Anaheim, his potential new contract could be used for someone to really help put the Angels over the hump. The offense and defense is there (without Simba). It's just time to get the last few arms needed to dominate.
  4. He's going to trade for Thor and then sign him to a deal.... I wouldn't be surprised if they sign a 1-year rental and immediately turn it into a new contract.
  5. Cody Allen had facial hair..... please shave, Bundy
  6. Ponder this @Chuckster70: With the media shitting themselves on being way too quick to report the Betts trade and fallout, do you think that maybe it's happening here too? They said there's no deal but neither front office has given a specific reason. Media is only speculating this because the deal hasn't been made and the fact that Moreno expressed being upset a few days ago. So.... Upset owner + no official deal YET= media thinking there's no deal cuz Arte got upset and walked away. Maybe they're just re-working it. And since the Angels NEVER leak any rumors, this could be an instance where we don't find out until it's completed. That's a typical Angels fashion.
  7. But if it was for who media reported then he pulled out of a trade where the Angels weren't giving up anyone.
  8. Something tells me the Dodgers suddenly asked for one of Jackson, Adams or even Marsh because they gave up more to the Red Sox and Arte/Eppler basically said F off.
  9. Guys, we know how the media works. It won't be finalized BY THE TEAM tonight, but the media will leak all the details.
  10. Someone is going to fill the page with those types of gifs huh?
  11. This is why we respect you as a writer. Thank you for what you do.
  12. You really trust what they are reporting right now? It's probably the original names, just with the reporters choking on their fingers.
  13. I think Deveaux or Knowles is added since we're getting Pages. Rengifo, Ward and Deveaux for Stripling, Pederson and Pages
  14. Who the F is Renigfro? The reporters have been so shitty on this trade that they can't even spell the names right since they want to be the first to report it all..... Get it right. Pathetic.
  15. The point is the Angels have an amount of prospects that are completely movable and it will never hurt the team.
  16. Why would you be sad if we trade Knowles? Pages fills his spot and it means we kept Adams, Jackson, Marsh, Adell, Soriano, Rodriguez and Sandoval. Hell, give the Dodgers Rengifo, Ward, Knowles, Jones and Suarez and i'll still call it a major win. Let's be honest.... Ward has no spot, Pages replaces Knowles, Suarez was trumped by Sandoval and Jones doesn't have a spot either.
  17. Just saw. If it’s only Ward and Rengifo then what a steal for the Angels good god.
  18. I was the one saying we could end up dealing a top 5 guy. Just a possible thought if maybe things change.
  19. https://twitter.com/BNightengale/status/1225096445998460929
  20. I think you're missing a key part here. Initial report was that it's a 3 for 3 swap. We'd give up Rengifo and 2 other prospects but now with the medicals on hold with the mega trade we might end up dealing a top 5 guy. Keep in mind the salary relief for Pederson is a big factor for the Dodgers as well which is why we probably don't need to give up as much.
  21. I wonder if they'd be willing to give us Gonsolin if we give them Adams to give Boston. He'd instantly slot in as Boston's #2 prospect. Maybe we give them Jones too.
  22. We're on the same page. I'm only giving up Marsh if he headlines a package for someone like Clevinger. Not for guys that bounce from rotation to bullpen and aren't considered #1 or #2 type. I'd make it juicy and give Knowles and Suarez if they'd take it.
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