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Everything posted by cez

  1. I HATE XMAS MUSIC It's not bah humbug, I promise. I just had to play Xmas tunes for 3 months every year for 4 years, and I HATE them now. Almost as much as I hate Sousa marches. This is the only Xmas song I ever care to hear again. Jordan Smith sang the shit out of it a couple weeks back.
  2. Mid 1980s, when I was too young to understand, walking down the street with my granny (one of my favorite people ever) in Savannah, I asked why black people weren't walking on the sidewalk when we went by. She said they knew their place. She was a deputy sheriff at the time. She wasn't in uniform, but everybody in the neighborhood knew her. 1999, some town in rural North Carolina. When a city requested my unit to come perform, and it was approved, they were required to feed and house us. This town did a great job taking care of us, as did all of our hosts that I can remember in my 4 years. Except when we were in line for lunch after our gig, and it was a buffet where volunteers served our portions. I was served with extreme courtesy. My friend, and our enlisted leader for the trip, got his food all but thrown at him by one of the servers. Guess what the difference between us was? I was about to say something, and he quickly pulled me aside and said it wasn't worth it.
  3. Evidently, cats think you're just a big, dumb, non-aggressive cat, too. https://www.cnet.com/news/scientist-cats-think-you-are-just-a-big-stupid-cat/
  4. 404 Not Found Cтраница не найдена Do they even keep cats as pets in mother Russia?
  5. I love that song. Actually heard it for the first time when I saw Magnolia way back when. This is what I've been going back to on a daily basis lately.
  6. i laughed really loud in the middle of my kids taking a test thanks a bunch
  7. Worse than just about any Trump or Hillary supporter is the nihilist. Very adolescent / South Park.
  8. I lived in Lancaster from 83-86, and those commercials are still with me.
  9. I made that decision literally day 1 of teaching. I'll never put myself in a position where I have to take work home. I'll stay really late if I have to, but that's only happened a couple of times in 9 years. I'm home by 3 most days. I don't make as much as a lot of others with similar education, but I'm comfortable, and it's all about priorities. I'm good with where mine are.
  10. love actually teaching kids stuff, which is 95% of what i do makes the other 5% bearable at least
  11. It's Bill Burr, and he'd have said the same thing about a guy interrupting 2 of the greatest rock musicians of all time with shrieking. In case anybody wonders if Burr was exaggerating what Ono did, he wasn't. And Berry's reaction was exactly as he described it: But I do agree that his word choice is oftentimes misogynistic.
  12. what the fuck kind of animal expert thinks putting a leash on a cat he doesn't know is going to work out?
  13. "Pinky" The Lovable, Adoptable Cat
  14. Whitney's entire album is pretty neat. But I really like this song. They're actual musicians (sorry if that sounds condescending) and he has a unique voice. I included a live version and the studio version.
  15. To be clear, I wasn't taking sides, really. I'm an equal opportunity troll.
  16. I'd like more interaction between WallyWorld and Stradling, please. We left off about here, I think: Strad: How can you call yourselves fans when all you do is torture yourselves, failos? WW: There are many different types of fans. Strad: But baseball is a long haul, and I think you need to be more patient and enjoy the game. WW: It’s condescending of you to tell others how to be fans. Strad: That wasn’t my intention. I was just curious. WW: It still came off as a little condescending, whether it was intentional or not. Strad: Why do you have to be such goddam woman? WW: With that, all you’re really doing is proving that you’re being condescending. Strad:
  17. aside from the repeated hilarity of bringing up my sexuality, i hope people understood what i meant. fake smiles are an instant avoid at all costs thing for me. lots of people in the marines with them for some reason. and one of my administrators always looks like she's worried that she might be showing the wrong emotion when talking with others, and her cheese smile terrifies me.
  18. people who worry about what's on a hot dog rather than what's in one
  19. people whose smiles never touch their eyes...not sure how else to describe it, but i know it when i see it
  20. came really close to buying a box of junior mints at the store today i blame this thread for making it so tempting
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