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Everything posted by yk9001

  1. I sat behind Kenny G at the WS. Someone can check on him.
  2. Pop quiz, hotshots: Was this posted by a man or a woman?
  3. I'd list the Larry Bird lookalike #1, the comic who works Tuesday nights at the Brea Chuckle Hut #2 and the guy with the twitter account #3.
  4. Houshmanzilly....put him on the board. Championship!!
  5. Let me know when Billy Chrystal shows up to a game in Mets gear, or Jack Nicholson in Clipper gear.
  6. If our Angels celebrity fans consist of guys who show up multiple times to other teams' games in those jerseys, then it would be incredibly embarrassing to list them as "Angels fans".
  7. If you follow him on twitter, you know......
  8. Google image Kobe Bryant + dodgers. Anyone dressing his daughter in Doyyer gear isn't an Angels fan.
  9. Long Beach Poly has a better celebrity list.
  10. Is Bill Engvall the "you might be a redneck" guy?
  11. For the record, I wasn't part of the 'its early' crowd. I would have bet a million dollars that the bullpen wouldn't come around like it did. If I wasn't on the Fire Scioscia bandwagon, I was certainly on the "I'm sick of him" train.
  12. Didn't the team look horrible in April? The bp was a disaster.... It was early.
  13. I gotta say, I've been intrigued by the free lobster buffet for years. I try to ignore every commercial or promo in my life, but I've often wondered what the free lobster buffet looks like (not intrigued enough to head out there).
  14. Three and a half hours seems a lot longer when you are hearing about the free lobster buffet for the twentieth time.
  15. Terry Smith will end his career hear with more than 20 years on the radio. Talk about being in the right place at the right time. When you hear the saying that 90% of success is just showing up, there should be a picture of Terry Smith next to it.
  16. To each his own. I haven't watched a full, first pitch to last, MLB game this year. College fb is another on my hit list - those games are pretty close to four hours. One runs the risk of sounding like a hipster douche by touting soccer too much, but, as Brandon said, those suckers are two hours long. Perfecto. The round robin stage of the World Cup was just two and a half weeks of bliss.
  17. The frigging replay challenges have a sponsor on the radio. Oy.
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