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Posts posted by WeaverFever

  1. 10 minutes ago, Dochalo said:

    It boils down to run prevention.  Prediction systems don't like our pen at all.  They also dislike our SP and have our top guys throwing very few innings but improved from last year.   Personally think we are 3-4 wins better SP.   I feel like our floor is 85 wins and if a lot goes right, we could be at 95 wins.  I'm still a little concerned about our pen.  Cam and Middleton are going to have to anchor things down and we're gonna need a couple guys to come out of nowhere again.  Like a Jake Jewel, Felix Pena or Luke Bard.  

    I too am concerned about our pen. It will be interesting to see what happens this year, I’m excited but cautious anything can happen. 

  2. 3 minutes ago, SuperTroopers said:

    Could the Angels be willing to sign one of the free agents remaining with a draft pick attached and justify it because of the additions this off season of Maitan and Soto. 

    Does anyone make sense? I’d personally rather see Archer come over but I think that’s a pipe dream. 

  3. 17 minutes ago, Dochalo said:

    I would have shared your concern more last year.  In fact, I had the same concerns and wanted to bolster the pen.  

    Then we ended up with a top 5 pen using Petit, Parker, Hernandez, Norris, Salas, Chavez, Blake Wood, Noe Ramirez and a few others.  

    I'm inclined to give Eppler the benefit of the doubt now and let him work some waiver magic.  

    Reed would be nice though to solidify things.  But I fully expect Middleton and Bedrosian to be better and Paredes to get more meaningful innings. 

    This could be the year we really find out if Billy has an upper hand knowledge over every other GM in the league or if he just for a lack of a better term just got “lucky.” The general consensus is a trust in Billy. Let’s all hope for the best! 

  4. Albert might be up there for lead in RBI’s this year... with that lineup, and with him batting lower in the order, look out. We all know he struggles to hit for a high average, but with a guy on 3rd you know he’s going to cash him in. There is no other guy, (not even Trout) that id rather have than Albert Pujols batting with a runner on 3rd, and 2 outs to drive a winning run in. 


    Hats lff to Billy for what he has done so far. Next up... Mous?? :) 

  5. 3 minutes ago, Throwman91 said:

    Because he's also a product of Yankee stadium which favors hitters, especially lefty hitters.  His stats do not translate over to Angels Stadium very well.

    I really hope we can get this done with Mous. Yes, a lot of question marks surrounding him and if he can replicate the year he had last year.... if he can look out. 


    He fits well in our lineup, and helps somewhat balance the L/R portions. 


    Could you imagine Albert hitting 6th??? We just might. 

  6. 6 minutes ago, VariousCrap said:

    New 2B

    That would be one hell of an off-season for the Angels.  Though, I wouldn't mind them signing Chatwood for the rotation on top of that.

    Just think Upton, and Maitan on top of that. Hopefully our Bullpen will hold up again this year. Either Billy got really lucky last year, or he has a real eye for bullpen pieces. If it is the ladder he really is one of the best GM’s in the game.

  7. 5 minutes ago, ksangel said:

    Angels have huge hole at 2B, Phillies know that so have little incentive to not want the moon and stars.

    Absolutely, I totally agree. If I was Billy, I would leak information about looking at other possibilities. And then maybe the price will go down. 

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