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Inside Pitch

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  1. STATS Inc does, but its a monthly subscription. I'm not aware of anyone else... Good question.. For the most part I think it doesn't matter, it only counts pitches that could be stolen using PITCHf/x
  2. This is pretty good at summarizing the difference... https://www.baseball-reference.com/about/war_explained_comparison.shtml but the pitch framing data favors Martin.
  3. Not sure what it is you're asking me to do... If you want an explanation of how they determine WAR -- go to their website and look it up. If you're saying that I'm arguing WAR undervalues defense -- I said the exact opposite. Not that it seems you understood how I meant that anyway. Anyway.... assuming you used BRef as your WAR source -- they are rating Maldonado as a negative 0.1 defensive player this year. Conversely, they are rating Martin as a POSITIVE 0.2 defense player this year. So, in the opinion of bRef -- Russell Martin has been the superior defensive player. So, despite Maldonado putting up an oWAR of 0.6 -- which is 0.4 better than Martin his overall WAR is only 0.2 to Russell Martin's 0.1. How much of the difference is being made up by the baserunning components of bWAR -- I can't really tell you. But, it would appear that those players are "remotely comparable" partially because they view Martin as the much better defender. Now if you use the FG version of WAR -- you have Martin at -0.1 fWAR, and Maldonado at 0.4 fWAR. As far as arguing that Martin is 10 times the defender that Maldonado is... FG has Martin at 3 DRS to Maldonado's (-3). So DRS views Maldonado as a bad defensive catcher so far this year. Statcorner.com also has Maldonado as a negative pitch framer so far in 2018, whereas Martin has a positive score. So, at least three different sources are viewing Russell Martin as the superior defender. I haven't seen enough of him this year to have an opinion. You'd have to take that fight up with them. So -- not sure if any of this satisfies whatever it is you're asking but it's kinda pointless given my initial comment. The issues with WAR and why it's got a rep for overvaluing defense has everything to do with total chances and what actually happens so sample sizes make for volatile data. A guy with a small sample who robs three HRs over the span of ten games will have a HUGE dWAR figure because the system tends to put a lot of weight into things like that. Basically, dWar is best looked at over the course of a full season (we are currently at 40+ games), and in reality over multiple seasons. Even then it's a very flawed metric depending on which source of WAR you are using. I hope you enjoy your hat?
  4. I agree -- but if they are telling them to air it all out and go for broke through 80.... The result will be the same. As I said, I'm not a real fan but I'm guessing they are doing it for a reason.
  5. You're right -- it's famous for OVER-valuing defense. I'm a huge run prevention>run production guy, but that glove isn't making up for what the bat is leaving on the table. He's got a .376 OPS as a corner OFer. Brandon Wood's career OPS as an Angel was 513 Hopefully he turns it around, the team is obviously being very patient with him.
  6. Fatigue tends to be a significant factor when it comes to sports injuries.. At least that's what the people who make their living in sports medicine say.
  7. This genuinely sucks... Hopefully he goes yard or does something noteworthy.
  8. I don't think they have an consensus on that yet. Some feel that more time off leads to even more fatigue on the days they pitch, plus we have no idea what their off day routines are since they switched to the 6 man. Truthfully I think the Angels are still very much feeling their way through the process, I doubt there is anything set in stone. Personally, I think MS ultimately made the call today but if you check how they have been using their minor league pitchers -- lots of guys are being pulled after 5 innings and 80 pitches. There seems to be a concerted effort to get them to throw fewer pitches across all the levels. Not sure if they are legit trying to limit pitch counts or just avoiding letting guys see a lineup a third time. I'm not a real fan.
  9. There was a time when he was being hailed as the next King Felix -- his body betrayed him in a pretty massive way over the years. Could have been a good one.
  10. Lights came flowing down from heaven and angels sang on his throw.... Prior to that it was an endless loop of the Benny Hill theme song.
  11. The shift is killing him. They'll use it til he gives them a reason not to.... I don't think he suddenly sucks but I think it's gotten in his head and he's a mess as a result.
  12. Had Calhoun stayed at 2b.... Yes... There was no play at home...
  13. I still think he needs to go down and get his head straight. I'd say both his miscues are a result of him trying so hard to contribute... Dude has to be beating himself up at times...
  14. Baseball gods trying not to be dicks..... Or those dicks were trolling us.
  15. Simba really rallying behind Calhoun in the postgame.... Say what you will, that's cool to see/hear...
  16. Now the baseball gods are just picking on him....
  17. Rengifo and Walsh both go 2 for 3 in their AA debuts... Rengifo with a stolen base, Walsh with a double and a RBI
  18. The guy they would most likely call up to play 1st has all of one game of AAA experience. He's not ready and it's not worth rushing him and possibly setting him back just to get rid of AP.
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