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Everything posted by Torridd

  1. Great interview! Good questions and I loved Wayne's insight.
  2. I'm glad he's doing well but I believe Moniak and Adell must get the heft of at-bats this season.
  3. Hi Chuck, Listening to this now on You Tube but I had to make a comment about Arte. It's so sad how Arte wanted to be loved and how things have changed so much because of the state of the team.
  4. How many at-bats would you like him to have? On-base percentage? Average for me because I'm a dinosaur?
  5. I'm concerned with the Hicks move because on paper he's not a fourth or fifth outfielder. Like another poster stated, Adell has to play five times a week. We all want him to be confident but the team has to show confidence in him. With Ohtani gone, the one good thing that comes out of it is that there aren't big expectations. Arte's lack of big moves should cement that notion. Let Adell play regularly for the first two months and see what happens. If he thrives, great. If he doesn't, trade him. The Angels owe themselves to give him a chance.
  6. I don't know if I agree with Victor. Yes, owning a sports team comes with a lot of headaches but I would hope the first reason someone wants to buy the team is that he/she wants the team to be successful. Victor has a business-first mentality and, of course, you want the team to make money, but I would hope a new owner would consider: 1) he/she would be instantly lionized by the fan base and 2) based on 1 if he/she/they show the fans a glimmer of hope (signing a free agent or two, making an optimistic speech of change, maybe working things out with the city), gratitude would be paid back. It's a big market club and I believe the new owner can profit even if 3 billion is the price. The Angels aren't terrible. They're terribly owned.
  7. I'm as hopeful as anyone. I think the young guys can potentially be as good as the 2002 core players. You never know. In 2001, no one knew.
  8. There's been much chatter in fandom and the media that Logan's going to take off. I'm concerned that he may face undue pressure. What do you think about this? Is it any different from any pressure of our top picks? Wood, Adell, etc.?
  9. Votto is for a team that's either rebuilding or is the final piece. He would just block someone here who would need the spot.
  10. https://www.mlb.com/angels/news/mlb-rumors-trades-and-signings?t=trades-and-transactions&partnerId=zh-20240125-1149768-MLB-1-A&qid=100000026&utm_id=zh-20240125-1149768-MLB-1-A&bt_ee=5C%2FV0JG4jN1TKw9wJYwFsqlg%2F1gzMMmTRudFM9%2BfQqiEJiVVfJHNYzmwnibO2AE2&bt_ts=1706201880680 I hope they aren't serious.
  11. Maybe but it's purely hypothetical.
  12. What would you rather one year of Ohtani or one year guarantee of good health without him?
  13. Chuck, I also like your positivity. To me, that's the key to being a fan.
  14. I enjoyed it. Not sure if the reason is that I'm a Christian but it was pretty positive overall. I'd hope that Jack would discuss the elephant in the room, all the negativity regarding Rendon's attitude but I guess that was tabled before the interview. However, it taught me some things about Rendon. I knew nothing of his faith or the nonprofit organization. He said that team camaraderie is important so I hope that's there on the team. I was surprised that he said that he wasn''t surprised that Ohtani left but I guess I shouldn't be. Ultimately, he says he's healthy and ready for 2024. That's all anyone can hope for.
  15. Happy New Year AngelsWin Family! The Angels will get in the playoffs again. When? I'm not sure but it's happening.
  16. I don't have the "steroids guys are out" mentality. Give me the case for Mark McGwire?
  17. I think it's slow in general other than the Dodgers. I still think we'll get at least 3 "names."
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