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Everything posted by UndertheHalo

  1. Apparently they’re moved a bunch of guys around different positions in salt lake.
  2. Ya I mean. I’m sure they’ll give him more then 4 starts. I didn’t mean like next game. But if this keeps up, he may be out by the end of May.
  3. Harvey was always going to be a real high risk, high reward kind of guy. I can’t imagine that they give him too much more rope. He’s somehow been worse through his first 4 starts with the Angels then he was with the Mets last year. He’s got good stuff. You’d hope he could get right. But I don’t know. It may not work out
  4. I feel like the title of the thread should be “the 2019 Angels experiment”
  5. Like the Angels will get a shot at scoring a couple of runs.
  6. who knows what to even say about Calhoun anymore. And we’re just stuck with him until June probably.
  7. Hopefully Harvey’s Angels journey doesn’t lead down the path of the shithebesrosian.
  8. If Harvey could just figure out some consistency he’d be rock solid. Great fast ball. Nice slider.
  9. What is the cut off for rescheduling the game ? The 6th ?
  10. Probably would have got out if they didn’t have tornado weather out there.
  11. Also, you got a sale from me brutha. Looking forward to reading your book.
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