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Everything posted by UndertheHalo

  1. It would be nice if the Angels prioritized winning for a few years while Trout is in his 20’s.
  2. Jahmai Jones is the significant Angels prospect that I have the most doubt on. I’m suspicious when terms like “make up” and “character” are referenced more then actual baseball skills. Which with him, there’s a lot of. Also, in the batters box he really has been pretty uninspiring in the minors. He’s young for his league and he’s young altogether. But he needs to show some life with the bat this year or I suspect his stock is going to fall dramatically. He’s already off all the top 100 lists.
  3. David Fletcher is a major leaguer. Barria is even tho they weirdly didnt treat him as such to start the year.
  4. Ya not too many bright spots down on the farm just yet this season.
  5. I mean even if he made it up it’s pretty close to accurate.
  6. Another thing I love about this game is how like every mariner is seeing like 6+ pitches.
  7. Found this. Thought I’d share. I don’t really know what to say about it.
  8. I hate it so much that this fuc*king perfectly rectangular baseball man is mashing and that Jerry Dipoto dug him up.
  9. I 100% expect Kole Calhoun to have a better OPS then Brian Goodwin within 30 days. This is based on Kole being a grinder and like trying hard or something.
  10. For the first time in my life the thought “maybe I should watch the clippers” has entered my brain.
  11. I can definitely see what Eppler and his pals liked about this Stratton guy.
  12. I’d like to think that one of these analytics guys the Angels have brought in recently would get in someone’s ear and maybe push them towards not leading Kole off constantly.
  13. Between Gubi and the Wonder dog. I wonder which one of them would score higher on an IQ test.
  14. Autry Scoiscia Trout and Salmon/Fregosi
  15. haha the president is a fuc*king pussy.
  16. Change the title of this thread to “Angels seem pretty rad”
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