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Everything posted by Revad

  1. Two home runs and three runs allowed in six innings, we have better options in AAA. I think his velocity was down. Discuss
  2. I can't even get gameday, trust me I've been doing this for years. I think they have a bandwith issue. Have tried on multiple devices.
  3. I'm going to start misspelling and making 80''s songs references if someone doesn't start giving me a feed.
  4. you all know how weird and obnoxious I can be, so tell us what's going on
  5. Guys those of us dependent on MLB.com are screwed right now. Need a batter by batter update.
  6. Had me going for a minute. But I'm looking for a strong year from Wilson in 2015.
  7. You mean batting practice doesn't count?
  8. ukyah is correct and Inside Pitch translated admirably. Someone on the recent lineup thread mentioned reading up on Rutledge so I took a look at the numbers and was surprised by the URZ and the OBP. The board has been very slow the last few days so thought I'd throw something out there. Also, I miss HaloThunder.
  9. Sorry, couldn't figure out how to post a poll, maybe an administrator can fix it. Fielding stats are for multiple positions and one option is listed as an outfielder on Angels.com roster. 1) Build for the future, rule five dive 2) 871 at bats: 308/403/711 with -19.5 URZ in 1113 innings 3) Where's Howie 4) 239 at bats: 293/347/640 with -2.2 URZ in 126 innings
  10. Racist is too much, but slipping a "rondon" in might work
  11. And play outfield as well. He'll get some chances. If Green should win 2nd base maybe Navarro is on the 25 man roster to start the season.
  12. the seven year length is high but through is age 36 season is not so bad. Three excellent years, three very good and one good could work out pretty well for the Nats. And if they deecide to rebuild at some point they have a nice chip. Wonder what the total per year turns out to be and if there's an out clause.
  13. Many teams waiting for Shields price to come down, apparently.
  14. I look forward to your comments on them once you get to see Kubitza and Baldoquin. I do get excited when I see the Angels this well set up for the future, I can't recall a time things looked so rosy for the Halos. Deep pockets, solid MLB roster and some good prospects.
  15. Plus aren't all four pretty far down the prospect road, so to speak? Not all five of them will be stars but I think all five will provide value at the ML level and at least 2 should become regulars. Maybe four of them! It could happen- Dipoto's own infield
  16. I agree, based on the end of last year he is healthy and comfortable plus it's a contract year. I hope he crushes it.
  17. Don't forget Beckham played a fair amount of 3b last year. Dipoto may be thinking two years or one with an option so the Angels are not quite as desperate when Freese goes FA after this year or he's out for part of the year this year. I think Dipoto had to set up the depth at 2b in case Beckham does't come back. As far as Drew goes, too pricey and likely will end up on a one-year deal so wouldn't work in the sceario above.
  18. A contract year and one in which, unless Beckham returns, it looks like the utility IF (Featherson most likely) will come in for defensive reasons at 2nd base. I wish Freese a monster year and good health. .275/360/450 is what I'm guessing. Thoughts?
  19. Jose Cardenal Jerry Remy Paul Schaal
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