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Everything posted by Jason

  1. I'm not an historian but how many VPs in the past have actively took a stand against the president they were elected with?
  2. That's probably accurate. Like I said, they have to think about their own political futures. This is how politics work in this country and it really isn't anything new.
  3. The one's that are showing up to this protest are not your everyday Republican voters. They are loyal to Trump first and foremost. He won in 2016 because he attracted a lot of people who probably didn't vote often in previous elections.
  4. Obviously breaking windows is vandalism but what violence has there been? Who shot that Trump girl in the neck and what was she doing at the time she was shot? Obviously this should be squashed before it becomes a full blown riot
  5. I can't seem to find it but how many people actually got into the Capitol and were they armed?
  6. I told you they would start to distance themselves
  7. Any "protestor" that resorts to violence and property destruction should be shot. That way they stop that BS
  8. The senate races are over so they have nothing to fight for at this time. They have to think about the 2022 elections and if they do blindly support him it will cost them. Again
  9. I think that was for election purposes only. It will change very quick when they see he's going to be bad for the brand. His die hard supporters will not vote red if they don't back him 100%
  10. Because they are Trump supporters
  11. He hates those type of people so he's more than happy to do this
  12. If you think his die hard supporters are loyal to the Republican party then you are kidding yourself
  13. Republicans and Trump supporters are not synonymous
  14. Apparently he did tweet out something calling for peaceful protesting and no violence. I no longer have twitter so cant post it here
  15. Agreed as this does not sound like a peaceful protest
  16. Jennifer Lawrence. @T.G.does not think she's hot.
  17. That's the only reason the Dems want it to happen
  18. In all seriousness, congrats to you and the wife and prayers for a healthy baby and easy delivery. Having kids is weird as it is the most inconvenient thing ever and the most joyous too. Even when my daughter is on my last nerve I wouldn't trade my life for anything
  19. I will say that I have not been sick (other than some minor allergy bullshit) for almost a year. No colds, no stomach viruses, nothing and it has been quite nice. Too bad everything has been shut down so I can't enjoy my streak of wellness.
  20. Being in the HoF leaves you a permanent legacy. I’d want that
  21. I would comment on it but I can’t be certain of her age
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