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Posts posted by angelinkc

  1. 5 hours ago, JarsOfClay said:

    How do we pay for Trump's space force?

    How do we pay for Trump's farmer bailouts?

    How do we pay for Trump's weekly golf trips?

    How do we pay for Trump's stupid and useless wall?

    When you find out, let me know, otherwise stop asking about Bernie. 

    Trump hasn't addressed the budget yet. Was a concern of mine. Farmer bail outs and infrastructure spending have been democrat staples over the years. One of the reason I liked  Cruz better. There is a lot of democrat in Trump but the Dems  waisted time with BS attacks when they should have tried to split him from his base  through liberal legislation. 

  2. 3 hours ago, RallyMo said:


    All the new guy from KC has to do differently now to get a sticker is to include a ballot with his mail? Good news for him!

    Glad you missed me. Conservatives work for a living so we are not around when the mail is delivered. Blowing the the mailman is purely leftist ideology.

  3. 1 minute ago, Tank said:

    I continue to be amazed at how many people cite this point without understanding that those costs will be passed along to consumers, as if Wall Street businesses will just simply absorb those new taxes all by themselves.

    Yes and screwing every hard working American that paid their loans, worked their  way through school, or joined the military to pay for college. Our military getting shot at for their gi bill to avoid school debt. Deadbeats everywhere think their shit should be free because a woke teacher told them fashion designing was the future and well worth borrowing 150k.

  4. 1 minute ago, Angelsjunky said:

    Here's your confusion: you're conflating two things. One is the "urge," the other is whether or not you give into that urge. The urge is not chosen, but you can choose to give into it.

    Wanting to have sex with dudes is not a choice. But having sex with them is.

    replace urge with sinful lust and I will agree. I have never had the urge to fuck a dude but I get the urge to gamble often. Luckily I learned from others mistakes and my own that gambling might be bad for me. Weather it is drugs or sex  many people struggle with things. Giving in and demanding public acceptance of those sins is not usually the best answer. I am still not the judge but I believe there is one.

  5. 1 minute ago, UndertheHalo said:

    This has merit.  Science has determined that American soccer is actually fucking shitty and gay. 

    Yes and racist. My son will play in college next year so we travel a lot. All these teams is nothing but prissy white boys with metro sexual dads. Sometimes have to remind them I aint your average soccer dad.

  6. 2 minutes ago, calscuf said:

    KC, ignore angelsjunky.  He’s the one too lazy to work and trying to take your money so he can stay home and smoke weed and watch gay porno.

    Damn, I don't hate gay people. Just hilarious how intolerant the woke crowd can be. Why they get so mad if someone says they take it in the ass? If they enjoy it and it is right by them why does my approval matter so much. If someone  called me a pie eater I wouldnt be offended.

  7. 4 minutes ago, Angelsjunky said:

    @angelinkc if we choose our sexual orientation, I challenge you to test this. Choose to be gay and go out and suck a dick. In fact, what's your address?

    I could but choose not too. Maybe I am the odd ball. Minus a a few drunk fat girls, I usually can control the urge. If you see a dick and your ass naturally opens up , I apologize for my ignorance. It just hasn't happened to me. 

  8. 11 minutes ago, Catwhoshatinthehat said:

    I’d love to be a fly on the wall when cals and angelinkc inevitably get together for a beer. I imagine there’s a moment when even cals thinks something said goes too far then he remembers he’s a lawyer and that isn’t possible. 

    and it all started with me saying men shouldnt compete in womens sports. I said I supported their right to buttsex. Somehow that was viewed as homophobic

  9. 35 minutes ago, Kevin said:

    I never chose between being a heterosexual and a homosexual. I’ve always just been a heterosexual guy. If someone was to say I made that choice, how the hell would they know? Pretty damn arrogant if you ask me. I would never tell a gay person that they chose to be attracted to the same sex because how the hell would I know? 

    I have a feeling angelinkc is using his wife as a beard and one day he’ll be caught tapping his foot in an airport bathroom stall trying to solicit gay sex to undercover cop.

    Are you saying you have no control of who you want to bang and where u put your pecker? I believe you probably do.

  10. 28 minutes ago, tdawg87 said:


    But that "backs of thousands" can easily support the poor 10 times over and not even notice. They only notice out of principal. Which as I've stated is fine, as it's their money. Doesn't make it morally correct but it is what it is.

    Is it more morally correct to vote for someone to force them to give it up? What has anyone done to deserve another individuals money

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