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Posts posted by angelinkc

  1. 1 minute ago, Blarg said:

    Well, that's where we live so I guess he is a far left threat to traditional American political values. It is what the liberal left is blind to, we are not a piss poor small Euro country that their Middle class didn't have any buying power in the first place so subjugating them to even less wasn't even a political risk. It is like feudalism was never far from a little lying legislature away, they are serfs once again. 

    And I really don't want to hear about how poor your world is, you have choices for change but are not motivated enough to make them. So ratcheting your standard of living onto over half the country that is doing better just so you can get some half ass substandard government health care doesn't really garner my support. 

    OK, a little salty but my wife just rejected the chorizo and cheese omelette I just made her, literally feeding it to the dogs, so someone was going to take the reciprocal hit. 

    Love you. 

    Bingo. Why the hell are we trying to copy a bunch of losers from Europe?  Their socialist utopias only exist today because we liberated their ass twice and have paid for most of their defense since. Screw Europe

  2. 1 hour ago, JarsOfClay said:

    You are far from "normal." Mr. Hateful Bigot.

    You are disgusting and repulsive. 

    My point exactly. I can tolerate and coexist the left's behaviors and social norms. Ultimately, I am not the judge. However, my refusal to approve of gets instant bigots call from the left. I smoke. It is dumb and unhealthy but I enjoy it. I don't believe I have a right to smoke indoors and create propaganda campaigns to promote my unhealthy lifestyle to innocent kids. I can respect peoples right to disagree and not associate with me if they don't approve.  The left however promotes this garbage to the kids well before the are ready to make big decisions. 

    I am abnormal for accepting my gender and banging the opposite gender accordingly. There is no other species in the world that struggles with gender and actively chooses to mate with same sex. I won't be the judge but you can't say choosing to do so is the norm.

  3. Huge issue with the Democrat platform is they won't use the system we have in place. We have by design a country that should have limited federal powers and optimal state /local government. The states have sold out a lot for federal money and grown the federal laws for years. We can ultimately return power to the states but libs won't support it. If you want high taxes, alternative lifestyles, late term abortion , and poop in the streets go for it.

    Do it in California, New York and anywhere you have the majority. Leave that giant red area alone. I can let libs as they wish and not care, The problem is the same respect of freedoms and opinions is not returned. The dems know they don't have the money to sustain their BS without stealing mine. They seek social acceptance for a lot of abnormal behaviors. I really don't understand their quest for social approval. Most don't believe in God and my approval don't mean shit. Quit trying  to force normal people to accept  and pay for all the BS. Lets agree to to defend our borders and freedoms against all enemies. I'll fight for your right to blow men if you respect my right to think it is wrong. 

  4. 24 minutes ago, Spirit said:


    Why are you now talking about cock waxing?  You said, "As for equal rights, I fully believe a man can dress and screw whoever he chooses. He just doesn't have the right to ... destroy women in a boxing match."  I correctly pointed out that you were wrong.  Men can destroy (or be destroyed by) a woman, as long as both parties agreed to the match. 




    I know one case is Canada but the other has happened multiple times in the USA. Absolutely yes if everyone agrees. Unfortunately, they are being sued and forced to comply or do to avoid legal fees. The wax shop won in Canada. Should be as simple as No i won't bake your cake. 

  5. 37 minutes ago, Vegas Halo Fan said:

    They haven't been a monarchy for just a few years now.

    They still are a monarchy although the royal family is mainly title only. The idea of self government did not originate in the United states but we were the first to pull it off and last. The American Revolution spread through Europe like wildfire. Modern day British government took a lot more from us than we took from them.

  6. 4 minutes ago, RallyMo said:

    How much bourbon was consumed before this post was made?

    Lol none. Just don't understand how the rights activist thought they should agree to fight. All the other examples are from recent court cases where individuals attempted or did force a non consenting individual or business to perform the listed tasks.

  7. 5 minutes ago, Vegas Halo Fan said:

    No other free country has a system anything like it, and several times it has led to a person who was not the choice of the majority of US citizens being elected President. Michael Palin jokingly said (after the election of George W. Bush) that he was going to run for President of the United States, "because of the uniquely American convention that the person with the least votes wins."

    No other system had lasted as long or had the success of this nation. It obviously makes sense to copy failed systems and adopt policies of second place countries. Freedom is a a prize that was won with sacrifice and is sustained with economic  and military might. There is no better system than we have which promotes competition and pushes individuals to achieve. It also allows more more freedom and wealth than anywhere else. Our  commi homosexuals love to complain but wouldn't have fared very well in USSR or Iran. 

  8. 3 hours ago, Spirit said:


    I'll take your word for it on the socialist thing.  I don't know any.  That seems to be more your world.

    In my experience, Americans are big fans of "rights."  What individual organizations allow or don't allow is obviously up to them.  From a societal standpoint though, anyone should be able to fight anyone else ... as long as both parties agree.


    So they both must agree to fight, but they should be forced to share restrooms, wax cocks and bake gay wedding cakes?

  9. 2 hours ago, Vegas Halo Fan said:

    If the Electoral College was gone, there would be no need for state primaries. There could be a national vote all on the same day to choose each party's candidate, then a national election in November. Would greatly shorten the campaign season. The focus would be on appealing to voters, not winning individual states.

    Yes, with that system Obama may have lost to Clinton. Especially, if they had counted votes in states like Michigan and Florida.

    The focus would be appealing to large cities like LA and New York. Neither has a population that reflects middle America. Our current Constitution provides power to the states. The states just whore themselves out for the federal dollars. Much better if states decide what works for their people and are represented through the electoral college for federal matters. San Fran can't keep poop off their streets and has a large population of people that don't know their gender or who they should screw. I'll pass on having them decide.

  10. 2 minutes ago, st1ckboy said:

    If only there was an article we could find where he explains his reasoning. Well, I guess we'll never know. 


    He says he doesn't like Trump's tweets or insults and prefers Mike.  That ain't a hell of lot explaining.

  11. 1 hour ago, calscuf said:

    Doctors should be able to write me a prescription for a BJ, too.

    I agree. Give the libs time and it will be a ""right". If you claim that you don't have the looks or funds to buy it, they have no problem ordering some unsuspecting individual to do it. Unfortunately, libs don't view that as a lady work so your provider might have a dick bigger than yours.

  12. 2 hours ago, Spirit said:


    Glad we agree that they have the "right."


    There is no current right to compete in interscholastic athletics or professional sports. Just so you know each organization makes their own rules. I know socialists love to throw the word "rights" out there for everything their bleeding hearts desire. USSR had a hell of a lot more government rights than our Bill. 

  13. 1 hour ago, Spirit said:


    So they do have the "right."  Thank you for retracting your previous point.


    They don't everywhere but will soon.  i am not a fan of women's sports but this will destroy them over time. All because a few mentally ill individuals can't compete with the boys. Leads to my point in the other forum. We can't solve difficult complex issues when one side lacks the honesty or intelligence to accept their gender and piss in the appropriate bathroom. I have no issue with men cutting off their manhood and taking it in the ass.They shouldn't be given the right to take women's sports and bathrooms in the process.

  14. 9 hours ago, Spirit said:


    If the woman knows who she's fighting and agrees to the match, why doesn't he have that "right?"


    trump march GIF

    That would be true in some cases. Many other sports women  have the choice between quitting or going against a dude. Shit going to hist the fan when a group of hs boys want to represent the USWNT. Young boys have whipped their ass before and can again.

  15. That is what i was thinking about Bernie, The midget is most moderate man on stage and he didn't think New Yorkers deserved large sodas and milk shakes.  Hell he did not believe they deserved to walk by a crime scene without a good search and frisk.

  16. 19 minutes ago, UndertheHalo said:

    The bottom line is that the Democratic Party will destroy itself if Sanders wins a plurality of delegates and the party apparatchiks take the nomination from him via super delegates.  

    they may be stupid enough to do it.  And if they do good riddance.  It’ll be tough but there’s a chance Sanders will win big enough to not give them the chance.  It for sure does seem to be going that way though. 

    There has been some shady business in the last two races. People forget Clinton Obama was pretty tight until the old powers wisely threw their weight behind Obama, The vote count was pretty close and I believe Florida and Michigan were banned from the process. 




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