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Willy J.

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Everything posted by Willy J.

  1. Short answer: Did Dipoto call down and tell Mike to pull Jerome after 74 pitches and make give him that total BS "stretching out" excuse? I sincerely doubt it. That's what my opinion is based on.
  2. The Coolio "take that bitch" pitch.
  3. The batter was Albert. Left fielder dropped the ball; fumbled it trying to pick it up; threw the ball to third; 3rd baseman still threw Albert out at first.
  4. I have a sick feeling Sociscia is looking for a reason to drop Jerome from the rotation and keep Blanton in. I really, really hope I'm wrong.
  5. No idea how he'll do, but it's great to see Weave out there again.
  6. Mike: "Damn, sending that Korean rapper down to freak out Lasorda was awesome Earvy" Magic: "Who? What now?".
  7. Both looked at times like they were running with razor blades in their shoes.
  8. Word. Off subject, I had no idea what your avatar was about until a week ago when I bought "Django". King Shultz might be one of my favorite movie characters of all time now.
  9. I have no idea what to expect from Jared tonight except I trust he'll give us a chance to win. It'll be good to see him out there again.
  10. Because the 7PM week night games don't start until 9pm here in Tulsa, I have to pick and choose which games I'm willing to lose sleep over. . I can't stay up watching games until midnight and get up at 5am every day. When I saw Blanton was starting and the game was on ESPN I decided right away this would be one to skip.
  11. Bottom line is if CJ didn't start throwing batting practice in the 5th we probably don't see Kohn at all. Loss is on CJ. It happens.
  12. We were due for a clunker, I just hate it came against the Dodgers. This is one game I'm very willing to turn the page on.
  13. Bu-bye Zack. . you continue to be an asset to our team. . .
  14. As big a disappointment that Josh as been at the plate, his defense has been a pleasant surprise.
  15. Everything about CJ annoys me, but credit where credit is due. . he's been an asset lately.
  16. Hey Zack, maybe you should have stayed with a team with some defense.
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