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Everything posted by Crampknees

  1. I concluded my analysis and came up with, she has nothing to say. Where do I send my billable hours?
  2. Steve, didn't you say you worked at a golf course? I work for myself and set my own schedule so goof off at the golf course a lot. Friend of mine there got hurt in an accident so I told them I would fill in until he gets back. I have never been on that side of the counter in the pro shop but it seems everyone who walks up has been lobotomized. I may not last long because golfers are stupid, except for me. Today I had a complaint filed: Him (with no tee time just showing up): I want to play Me: we have a tournament going on, I can start tee times at 3 Him: so I can't play Me: yes until after the tournament is done Him: So there is a tournament Me: Yes it should be over around 3 Him: Can't I just go out there, I won't be in their way Me: No it is open for tournament players only Him: So you are telling me I can't play Me: Check back later when it is done and I will try and get you out. Him: So those people out there I see are in the tournament and are here. Me: Me no they are playing an on-line game from home and those are holograms. Then he complained, LOL at golfers.
  3. Hopefully it has good mental health coverage because seems just trying to sing up you will need it.
  4. AO, you go to "brackets"...."brackets home" and it doesn't bring up your bracket? It will let me bring up your bracket and even fill it in.
  5. I was able to fill out my bracket. Anyone new coming in let me know if you have trouble entering. I had no clue what I was doing so anyone want to make a billion dollar side bet I don't get a perfect bracket. oops, I think I meant to say I get a perfect bracket. Almost lost a billion dollars.
  6. AO, I don't know if the site is down right now because the group home page is not working but next to group home tab click on "brackets" and it should bring yours up to complete.
  7. Ya that was yahoo's thing and went there first to create a bracket and they want a cell number where you receive text ads. f that. Unless you really thought you could do a perfect bracket then I messed up. Once you enter league you can fill in your bracket. Get it done before Thursday is all. I am able to do mine, just haven't gotten to it.
  8. Where is Victor? and remember I am kinda old so she may be hot. I had to go back out the next day and hit the ball in the exact same spot but they moved the pin on me.
  9. Jay, watch the story first before just mentioning libs. This had nothing to do with libs. If I take my car to the shop and they want more I question them and not the libs. If you want to make this about libs then yes I would rather feed a hungry family then feed contractors and lobbyists. Jesus would probably disagree with me though. Why do you even take breaks from FOX News to come mention libs here.
  10. I missed this, LOL. This whole thing aside from my usual sarcasm is making me move some money back out of stocks as it seems to be tanking. Why can't we all just get along until I retire.
  11. Why would our already Communist President want to impose sanctions or even remotely think about war against his allies. I am confused, let me get over to FOX News real quick to clarify......ok I am back, Socialists like Communists and are both part of the left wing radical movement. Since Obama's Socialism movement is failing we are Communists. There will be no war. Because of Obama we are not a Democracy and should be safe.
  12. Did anyone in here explain what a ThreadJack Bin is? I think it is where you put your hydraulic equipment back. MT would not know because in Montana they still use oxen to lift things.
  13. Shows how old I am but in my high school days an ounce of pot was $10. A kid asked me if I could get him some and I said sure. I took the leaves form a coleus plant and dried them up and took his $10.
  14. This is a great point, but then again the wanna-be cop who has to pose as a teenager is desperate. As you pointed out before it should be the DA's office who tells them are you F'ing serious with this shit. Sadly, that won't happen either.
  15. I will try and find a better link. Someone else here likely saw it. I thought it was one of the best. I will say that Vegas will not take your food stamps at the black jack table. I think it is from 3/4 show.
  16. Ya Sean, I don't think my link was good but try and look up the food stamp/fish one to watch to the end. Yes he is just blasting FOX but they are setting themselves up perfectly for it. I often wonder to myself would he be that funny if FOX was not that stupid but I would not substitute him ragging them for anything.
  17. Plus MT my showing Daily Show was based on someone saying news is just entertainment, which I agree with all the way. I don't watch any news unless checking weather now and then, which they screw that up so I may not be an expert on this. Then again I do believe FOX News is all made up and no facts so that would be filed under entertainment for dummies.
  18. I said it is entertainment. FOX News should be picked on. MSNBC is boring with their bullshit so not worth harpooning. FOX deserves it. The point is you need to have a sense of humor amidst all their crap. Do I like seeing FOX News beat up....well ya. More people think they are leading them in life compared to MSNBC which nobody watches.
  19. This is the only guy you need to watch....best in the universe. Oh and before you think it is news, it is entertainment. He is entertaining, the others are not. http://www.thewrap.com/jon-stewart-filets-fox-news-food-stamps-whats-f-ing-fish/
  20. That's a good question. I have to go with the CIA. You may not agree with their tactics but at least they are busy doing something. I forgot what it was that Congress was supposed to do.
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