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Posts posted by krAbs

  1. Worth noting - a lot of people in this thread seem confused about why this tweet matters. Doesn't really matter who posted it - could be a dog that fell on the keyboard and hit a bunch of letters that accidentally spelled out that tweet. The important part is Middleton appearing to agree.

    Second...idk. Not even looking at TJ specifically (which HAS been particularly bad for the Angels over the past 5 years, as Zen showed), the fact is that our rotation (and bullpen, but not as notably) has been ravaged by injuries for years. Look at that objectively. You hear about a soccer team that theoretically is good, but has had 80% of its members injured for the majority of the past 4 years. You hear about a basketball team who keeps signing new players, and yet always is forced to field their C team due to injuries. At what point do you start saying "maybe this isn't luck; maybe this team either has a problem with identifying risk, or a problem with conditioning"?

    Like...idk, I don't know what the problem is, but SOMETHING is broken with this team.

  2. 1 minute ago, Angel Oracle said:

    After being drafted, they sat him for precautionary reasons for the rest of the 2017 season.   Then he pitched about 110 innings in 2018, and so far not quite 100 innings in 2019.   His delivery is a bit of a concern, some high maintenance there?

    I think this is what I'm thinking of - that line kinda sets alarm bells off in my mind. Especially when he throws heat, comes up to the majors, and almost immediately goes down with an elbow injury. Suffice to say...really hoping that he is coming back strong here.

  3. 58 minutes ago, Lou said:

    His history?

    Hasn't he already had a history with injuries, even going into the minors? That's my memory of him, at least - he came from college, but was pushed really hard there; has good stuff, but came into the minors needing surgery or something and missed time almost immediately because of it, kinda leading to questions about whether his arm would hold up in the long term.

    Maybe I'm going crazy? I can't find anything online, but I could have sworn that he missed a substantial amount of time when we first signed him due to arm injuries, and I thought I remembered talk of a possible TJ surgery while he was still in the minors. Hoping I'm just going crazy here...

  4. Kinda just realized - walsh plays interestingly in a national league game. There's no DH that you give up if you have him pitch an inning in the middle of a game. So, you could have someone who can play 1B pinch hit for a pitcher, then leave him in  for an inning while Walsh pitches, and leave in the 1B pinch hitter for the next half inning in case your hitters get back around to that spot. Then, you bring out your "pinch hitting" 1b for another relief the next inning, and slide Walsh back to 1B. You may have some interesting logistics with warm up pitching, though...

  5. This is probably the most depressed I've been about the team for a while. For a long time, I've felt like we are 1-2 signings from a solid team. But, right now...it kinda feels like we need to sign an entire rotation. I'm not sure there is a single pitcher in the org I feel good about relying on going into next year. Everyone is either not really there talent-wise, or too much of an injury concern. Its...honestly pretty depressing.

  6. Hoping that Calhoun can be a bit of a trade anchor for us. Its tough, but it almost feels like Eppler needs to pull off a miracle here and do another Simmons type trade. Find a way to oversell our guys to get a pitcher who can help us this year and moving forward.

  7. 21 minutes ago, Jeff Fletcher said:

    Ausmus actually said it’s difficult because it’s so far from what they’re used to. He said obviously guys would adjust to that, but it was over quickly. 

    This is basically what my thoughts were. But, its still surprising to me that it takes more than a full at bat to adjust to that. It really does seem like pitchers should consider using the eephus more often - like, at least a few times a game. If it became common enough I'm sure hitters would be able to adjust, but it seems like there is probably a sweet spot.

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