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Everything posted by yvangelfan

  1. politically speaking, never before now. Hop on and enjoy the ride!
  2. When the 2nd amendment was written , military and citizens used flintlock rifles. There were no restrictions for citizens back then. There are now. An AR15 is not a military grade weapon.
  3. I can't remember California voters voting to ban gay marriage, but I'll believe you.
  4. Just in: my highly leftist sisters-in-law like Kamala Harris for Prez.
  5. The government is not letting people keep their guns. The constitution is.
  6. I see stores are now requiring patrons to leave their guns outside of their stores. Has anybody here ever seen someone with a gun (legally) in a store? Our local jewelry store owner carries a gun in a holster, but I've never seen a patron.
  7. The tar pits are getting a makeover. How about diverting the money to makeover tent cities? This place traumatized me when I was 10. End of rant. https://www.usatoday.com/story/travel/news/2019/08/27/la-brea-tar-pits-fossils-site-los-angeles-get-makeover/2131960001/
  8. My point is if California has a $21.5 billion surplus, why haven't tent cities been cleaned up? First, they stole Fed funds for the rail. Now they want Fed funds for tent cities they created. California has a huge budget surplus. So why does Gavin Newsom want to raise taxes? https://www.latimes.com/opinion/enterthefray/la-ol-newsom-budget-flush-taxes-20190509-story.html
  9. Or a black t-shirt. You won't see me in a plaid one.
  10. This is a quote : "Show us the money and we'll spend it". L.A. City Officials to Trump Team’s Tour of Homeless Camps: ‘We’re On It. Show Us the Money’ https://ktla.com/2019/09/13/l-a-city-officials-to-trump-teams-tour-of-homeless-camps-were-on-it-show-us-the-money/ POSTED 8:19 AM, SEPTEMBER 13, 2019, BY LOS ANGELES TIMES
  11. Internment Camps for the Homeless': Housing Advocates Horrified by Trump Push for 'Crackdown' on California Homelessness "Further efforts to criminalize or otherwise harm people experiencing homelessness are unconscionable." by Jake Johnson, staff writer https://www.commondreams.org/news/2019/09/11/internment-camps-homeless-housing-advocates-horrified-trump-push-crackdown
  12. Thomas got a new cap........he loves it!!
  13. Trump Administration Plans Homeless Sweeps in SF: Report By Mark Matthews Published Sep 10, 2019 at 4:54 PM | Updated at 5:27 PM PDT on Sep 10, 2019 https://www.nbcbayarea.com/news/local/Trump-Administration-Planning-Homeless-Sweeps-in-California-Report-559980431.html
  14. Watching an Angels game without Trout is like ordering an all beef burrito and you end up with a beyond meat burrito.
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