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Angel Oracle

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Angel Oracle last won the day on October 13 2023

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About Angel Oracle

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  1. Subparez, Hacks, and S_itnero need to go. Call up Kerry, Garrett, and anyone for the INF.
  2. And then the pitch clock happened. Make sure pitchers signed or traded for in the future were not slow workers before 2023.
  3. Uhh Minasian, it goes back to beginning of 2023. Isn’t that long enough? He just doesn’t seem to have ever adjusted to the pitch clock, being one of the absolute slowest workers in MLB before 2023. What is suddenly going to change for Subparez?
  4. Subparez is since beginning of 2023. Haven’t they at least seen enough of his folly on the mound? Too bad Hacks can’t at least offer to give back his March/April salary like Bostock did offer in 1978.
  5. Minasian is not impressing me so far this season. Three guys have no business being on a MLB roster: Jose Suparez, Jose Shitnero, and Aaron Hacks! Yet, he refuses to release them? Why? It’s been a month now.
  6. Why are Subparez and Hacks still employed by this team? What is Minasian waiting for?
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