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Everything posted by AZMike

  1. He -- like Pujols, CJ Wilson, Joe Blanton, and Mike Scioscia as a player for the LA Dodgers -- was good enough to get mentioned on Arte's billboard: 6 Gold Gloves 4 MVP's 2 ROY's 25 ASG Appearances 11 World Series Appearances 4 World Series Champions
  2. We should get Calhoun up here oooh, a homer to right field from a RHB without "oppo taco" references
  3. There is actually a clutch stat. Basically it's the difference between how well a player does in high leverage situations ( situations in outcome of a play will have a big effect the probability a team will win or lose ), and how that same player does in general.
  4. After yesterday's game he's actually the very least clutch player in MLB according to Fangraphs. (7th inning 1st pitch GIDP with runners at first and third, strikeout in the 11th though admittedly that was BS) Doesn't mean he isn't a great player though. Albert Pujols is the most clutch player on the Angels but Trout is a much better, and much more valuable player overall.
  5. Greinke had a shutout going, gave up one flukey single and gets lifted against his will. Frieri coughs up the game in four pitches. That game pretty much guaranteed that Greinke would never return to Anaheim for anything less than $15M over market (which considering the Dodger are part of "the market" would have been a terrible decision)
  6. I'm not usually one to buy into conspiracy theories, but I'm starting to agree with commenters who claim that Scioscia secretly wants to retire, but would rather subtly sabotage the team [in a plausibly deniable way] to try to force Arte to release him. If Scioscia quits he forfeits if contract. If Arte fires Scioscia Arte has to pay every cent of Scioscia's deal.
  7. Angels are leading in outs on the basepaths AND GIDPs by a very wide margin, which is amazing.
  8. Buttercup killed the rally monkey. Ever since that insipid song started playing at the stadium the team has become utterly incapable of achieving a come-from-behind win. They are by far the lowest in MLB in team clutchness.
  9. Fangraphs AL "Clutch" leaderboard, in reverse order Trout is the least clutch player in the AL. Kendrick is third to last. edit: as I was posting this, Mike Trout -- the potential tying run -- hit the first pitch into an inning-ending double play in the 7th.
  10. I would have no objection to calling up Kole Calhoun and Lucho Jimenez to stay.
  11. Unfortunately our entire offense consists of two players who are the least clutch, and third least clutch qualified batters in the American League
  12. Hawk is so bad I actually like to listen to the CWS feed when they're in town just to mock his over the top excitement followed by disappointment on routine putouts: that ball hit hard and deep STRETCH! you caaaan....nd's it's caught. Dagnubbit!
  13. Kendrick: 13 GIDPs Pujols: 17 GIDPs (nearly all of those involving Trout)
  14. I like the idea of putting Pujols on the DL and having Shuck DH. He'd be a pretty unconventional DH as he's not a power hitter but I'd be more comfortable with Calhoun LF / Shuck DH than Shuck LF / Pujols DH at this point.
  15. Pujols doesn't like movement while he's batting, and according to Mr Moreno Pujols is basically a partner/co-owner of the Angels organization
  16. Make shuck the f'n DH, park Trumbo at 1B, and call up Calhoun to play the OF. then 60 day DL Pujols and get him surgery so he has a chance of being non-crippled sometime in the next 8 years.
  17. Wells is now Mr Clutch over in Pinstripe land. Just hit something like his third walkoff of the year for them.
  18. a double play scores a run. I'm more worried about albert striking out and Trumbo GIDPing to end the inning
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