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Everything posted by Gavin

  1. Ha! That's at Mater Dei. Guess his dad is still coaching her.
  2. I still can't believe my buddy stopped dating her to get back with his ex. This was back in high school and they both were going to their separate schools for pole vaulting, but damn he screwed the pooch with that one.
  3. Agreed. I like his size and play around the boards. His play compliments the Twins' style.
  4. From what I've read Sekera, Michalek, Franson, Phaneuf (more speculation than anything), and Petry, among others of course. Sekera would be a great addition as would Michalek. Both are rentals, which the Ducks usually avoid. I think they should take a run at one of those two and then look for a LW who could play with the twins.
  5. A team from the Central division. Hawks, Predators, or the Blues (probably in that order too).
  6. The dude in the flannel only drinks microbrews and all of his friends have handle bar mustaches. He's just that cool.
  7. Dude can't close his five hole even if he tried. Everyone is shooting at it when he's in net.
  8. They had a few lucky breaks in that game. They also were absolutely dominated in the 3rd. This team has a few holes that need to be addressed or it'll be another early playoff exit again.
  9. The Myers rumor is a joke. Fowler plus additional assets? I'm hoping they go after Michalek or Sekera. They're both UFAs at the end of the year, but I think they will help solidify the D and also won't cost a ton in terms of talent. As for LW I've seen JvR's name thrown around a bit. A top line with him and the twins would be sick. He, on the other hand, would cost an arm and a leg.
  10. I don't get that at all. Palms (when healthy) and Kes have had the most chemistry together all season. Then again BB is a line juggler so I wouldn't expect that lineup to finish the way it started. And Bourque? Really? As for Rev, he hasn't been playing very well this year. I really think Fowler plays less aggressively because he's worried the Lovejoy will make a mistake when he's leading the rush. You see less and less of Fowler using his incredible skating this season. That's why I think the Ducks could use a solid, top 4 RHD.
  11. What is your deal? Did someone piss in your cereal today? Not everyone is blinded by the Ducks point total. There are holes in this lineup, whether you like to admit it or not.
  12. Yes, one game is indicative of the talent the Hawks have. Also, the Wild have been underperforming all season long; have you seen the goaltenders they were rolling out this year? As for the Ducks beating the snot out of the Kings last year, did I miss something? The Ducks were 4-0-1 last year against the Kings in the regular season with one of those wins being a shootout. Their biggest win was the 3-0 stadium series game that, really, wasn't that lopsided of a game (iirc the Ducks scored an empty netter late as well). Overall the Ducks played very competitive games against the Kings. As for how they lost in the playoffs: the Kings turn it up in the playoffs. They were the first 8 seed ever to win the cup. They also have this guy named Quick who can carry them through games. Also comparing this team to the Kings is laughable, as much as it pains me to say. They are a puck possession team and also had a better goal differential last year. They have a truly elite defenseman, goalie, and multiple Selke worthy forwards. The Ducks, not so much.
  13. That's cute. Nice assumption. Actually, I have season seats and have played hockey for a predominant portion of my life. Their goal differential and overall play has been lackluster at best. Possession numbers are up a bit from last year, but they were below a 50% puck possession team last year, so it's not a huge accomplishment. The Ducks looked horribly outmatched against the Hawks and even the Sharks, to be honest. If you're Mr. Hockey expert, please tell me what feels different this year. Beating borderline McDavid teams in OT when coming back from a two goal deficit in the third is not an accomplishment. You can call it "battle tested", I'll call it a team squeaking out victories against subpar teams.
  14. I don't. They're struggling to beat the bad teams and then getting demolished by the better teams. I've tried to stay positive, but the Ducks need to make a few moves in order to be real cup contenders.
  15. I'm genuinely curious as how accuweather "predicts" the amount of rainfall there is for the upcoming two months. I'm also curious as to how anyone would take what the prediction states to heart. El Nino is a weather phenomenon that usually occurs later in the winter season. I'm not saying that we are going to receive above average rainfall as weather predictions are just that; meteorologists use models and past events to predict what may happen. There are dry El Ninos, which may happen here. If you look at the link they have an El Nino weekly update. As of now we are still in "ENSO-neutral" conditions. Translation: the water temps in the ocean are still normal and El Nino conditions haven't really occurred. Either way, I read about the weather and predictions to get more informed, but I take it with a grain of salt. You have to because meteorology isn't an exact science.
  16. Also untrue. Forecasts for the next day can change.
  17. That completely went over my head. Completely forgot about the accident that Heatley was in that killed his teammate.
  18. Arch, do you ever travel to Israel/Palestine? I ask because I dated a girl whose family lives in the West Bank. They are in the heavy minority as the family is Greek orthodox Christian. We would Skype a lot and to hear the Jets fly over and the stories that the family has to go through on a daily basis changed my outlook to a more moderate view on much of the Middle East.
  19. As much as Heatley sucked this year he doesn't belong on that list.
  20. My biggest problem with this thread is the blanket statements about Muslims. When I traveled to Indonesia, a country with one of the highest Muslim population rates, I felt more than welcomed. In fact, many people wanted to take pictures with me and were extremely nice to me. I do think that largely had to do with the development of the country itself. Indonesia is by no means a first world country but Jakarta and a few of the other major cities are much more developed and therefore refined. As an example, for anyone who saw or read Lone Survivor he gave a map to one of the villagers who then WALKED it to the military base. Many of these countries are hundreds of years behind us in many aspects of life. I'm sure the rebuttal will be something to the effect of, "religion is the major cause of this gap." That could be absolutely true. Look at the Dark Ages in the past for another example of religion getting in the way progress of a society. With that being said these countries have had "leaders" forced down their throats for decades. It would be hard to say that a lot of these dictators acted in the best interest of the country as a whole. I'm fed up with the generalizations. I do think religion, every religion, has caused rifts and sometimes conflict throughout history. It's one of the reasons why I'm not the biggest fan of organized religion. There are, however, other factors here besides religion that have caused these groups to appear. Arch touched on ISIS. I would defer to the, most likely, only member here who actually lives in the Middle East.
  21. Yes, because we did so well at "fixing this problem" in Afghanistan and Iraq.
  22. Not a fan of the camera. Maybe it's because I'm used to a stationary camera for most games. It gives a better view of the zone, but it also makes the puck harder to follow, which usually isn't a problem for me.
  23. http://forecast.weather.gov/product.php?site=SGX&issuedby=SGX&product=AFD&format=CI&version=1&glossary=1 I always use this as my weather go to. It goes more into detail than percent chance of rain and pictures.
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