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Everything posted by Gavin

  1. Not from this article, but even the title of this thread can be construed as the Millennials are the problem. I am a Millennial. I graduated from college in one of the worst job markets in US history. I get tired of hearing that we are lazy, need our hands held for everything, or we are the issue with why this country is struggling. College tuition is absolutely ridiculous now (there's a bubble coming with all of the college debt that's being accrued), and I'm just as guilty in this with my current loans for grad school. Also large corporations work for shareholders, and stock prices for that matter. I can't tell you how many of my friends out of college only got temporary jobs who were over qualified for many of the positions they were taking. With college prices exploding and more graduates noticing a diminishing return on their "investment", it's no wonder skills are eroding. Is it really worth going $40,000 in debt for a degree these days? And that's only for a cheaper public school. USC's tuition is pushing $50,000 a year; that's JUST the tuition. Then grad school gets even worse where med students are 200-300k in debt when they graduate. In short, the system is broken. The system that was established by older generations. Yet, it's "congrats millennials" or "boomers gave us too much for anyone to be capable of tying his or her own shoes".
  2. Millennials taught by baby boomers. I always find it interesting how the older generations almost exclusively place blame on the younger generations for eroding skills, education, etc.
  3. Is anyone else upset that the Kings get the benefit of playing teams in back to backs after us? It's happened at least four times in the past two-three weeks.
  4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FKZWNKWE1wc Kesler's reaction is awesome.
  5. http://hockey.dobbersports.com/frozenpool_linecombo.php?situation=ALL&period=ALL&chkDefence=checkbox&selDefence=ANAFOWLER%2CCAM&games=2014-2015%3AR%3A99&Submit=Show+Line+Combinations&sent=go Found a better one. I was wrong. My mistake. I have no idea why I don't remember them playing together... drugs!
  6. I could be losing my mind, but I don't remember them playing together this year. When Lovejoy hurt himself, didn't Manson come up and play with Fowler? The only link that I could find with somewhat decent pairings info was this one: http://leftwinglock.com/players/index.php?teamid=ANA&playerid=8475764 Scroll down a bit and you can see his most common pairings.
  7. I don't think fowler and Vats have ever played together. I don't like that pairing either. Way too small. A bigger line would physically dominate those two together.
  8. I liked Sekac a lot with Rakell and Etem. That line looked good the last two nights. So much depth, wow.
  9. The real interesting lineup questions will come when Vatanen is healthy again. My guess Lindholm-Beauch Fowler-Wiz Depres/Stoner-Vatanen With Holzer as depth as well.
  10. And one of the sisters doesn't have a soul.
  11. Jinx. I did that on purpose! Wow they went crazy right at the deadline. Depres is a 23 yr old 6'4" dman. Like that move. Wiz will help with the PP with his shot. The Ducks have about 300 defensemen now. It'll be interesting to see what happens especially with how BB likes to shuffle lines.
  12. I'm pissed. Ducks sat on their hands. Petry or Michalek for a 2nd and a conditional pick isn't too steep of a price. Behind the eight ball now.
  13. Coburn to TB. Not very many options out there for upgrading our defense.
  14. I like the trade. Now they need to make a move for a top four dman.
  15. Hope_Smoke ‏@Hope_Smoke 5m5 minutes ago Dreger "if things don't go well there [Anaheim] there's the potential for a change in Ana. That's what Babcock is looking for I'm not on Twitter so I just copied this from another forum. If that's true, then the Ducks should jump all over it. Would LOVE to have Babcock back.
  16. Florida isn't that bad actually. That being said I have no idea why the panthers made that move. They're in no way contenders for the cup.
  17. The top line needs to wake the **** up. The twins have looked awful.
  18. I really want the Ducks to pick up Sekera or Michalek. Maybe Glencross while they're at it.
  19. This. Goalies know Silf is going to shoot and not deek and he still beats them regularly. He needs to shoot more; he releases it so quickly and it's pretty accurate.
  20. Ovi annoys me at times. He takes runs at players all of the time. That being said the dude is ridiculously talented. Complete nut job but talented as hell.
  21. For the record: I hate being the negative fan. This team just makes me nervous for the playoffs.
  22. I'm glad they've scored a couple to take the lead, but the Ducks HAVE to make a move or two. They look awful against the Canes again.
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