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Everything posted by halobob

  1. ah, well in that case you definitely should comment on that one!
  2. 100 at Dove yesterday. Missed a 2 foot putt on 18 for the 99. Get to play Mile Square Park in Huntington on Sunday in a 16 person tournament, hopefully I figure out my driver by then.
  3. I'll be at the Rose Bowl tomorrow evening hoping to see another Bruin victory!
  4. What a gem of a thread. I can't believe I just read this starting yesterday. My thoughts: yk: Thank you for posting everything Peyts mom has to say. I'm glad you have fought the urge to reply so we can keep witnessing this meltdown. I would've had to reply on something about paying $15 more for the dress cuz she's fat. calscuf: found out you have a wife, didn't see that one coming, she must be one cool chick I would really like to be a fly on the wall in a face to face meeting of calscuf and Katie That picture of the cheesy, meat, bread dish looks amazingly delicious.
  5. Anyone see the south park making fun of this whole situation? I love that show.
  6. Hopefully we get all of these injuries and illness out of the way early in the season and have a healthy roster come late April.
  7. Hiller is definitely our best goalie. He just wont be here after the season so I'm very open to trading him now. That being said, I wont be upset if he isn't traded because he will likely be the starter in the playoffs if on the team.
  8. Craig is also hot and hopes Susie gets free birth control.
  9. So I watched the 1st period in Westwood before the Bruin bball game and the Ducks looked great up 2-0. Get home to watch the recording. What a ****ing pathetic 2nd and 1st half of the 3rd period. That was some of the worst hockey I have seen them play in a while. Florida was all over them for that 30 min span or so. Lindholm is still the man, what a shot! Edit: Sbisa sucks, package him and Hiller already.
  10. Miles mother ****in Jack! That's all I have to say.
  11. Stamkos being out definitely makes life easier for the Ducks...sad to see though, he and Tampa were off to a great start.
  12. Showed up at the beginning of the 2nd period for this one. We were outshot badly in the 1st (and I'm assuming outplayed as well). Like Cory said, happy to see the victory while not playing out best game. There were a ton of Canucks fans there, glad to see them leave unhappy. One Nuck said something to the effect of this as we were walking out, "they should be happy we pay for tickets to leave with such a crappy feeling". I got a kick out of that. Oh yeah, Anderson is awesome and Lindholm is the man, I can't believe he is only 19!
  13. There were a surprising amount of Sabres fans in attendance, much more than I thought there would be. I expect the building to be full of Canucks tonight.
  14. Eh, I don't think 15.5k is all that bad for a Fri night in November. Of course I'd like to see a sellout but the Ducks will need more STH's and mini plan holders for that because single game tix are pretty expensive. I predict we start seeing quite a few sellouts starting with either the 12/15 or 12/28 game and moving forward from there. Also it did look pretty empty to start the game but by midway through the 1st it looked pretty decent.
  15. Oh and Rakell's pass to Cogs on his goal was sick as ****!
  16. Sbisa sucks...if Fasth comes back and proves he can stay healthy and Anderson keeps up the good work when sent back down I'd try to package Hiller/Sbisa for a better Dman.
  17. Buffalo is awful. Getzy's hatrick in the 1st was great, but I kept my hat cuz it's my favorite of my 2 Ducks hats. The team has played one hell of a lot better than I could have ever imagined them playing to start the year!
  18. Utah State should actually be pretty good this year. Bruins escaped a with a win against Drexel. Defense will need to step it up and Tony Parker needs to hold on to the ball, fumbled away too many rebounds.
  19. Pretty funny Nate I really hope the Bruins win out. I think I'd fly to San Fran that weekend and see some friends up there and go to the game. I think the Bruins can win the game and will have plenty of confidence after winning out (which I believe the must do to make the game).
  20. I thought the last season was much better than the previous 2. Seasons 1-3 were the best though. Can't wait the the movie, huge fan of the show.
  21. Love that commercial, super adorable.
  22. The goal given up with 5 seconds left was a back breaker. Might have been a different outcome if not for that.
  23. Eh not the worst thing...hopefully this will keep him a little more fresh april-june.
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