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Everything posted by SlappyUtilityMIF

  1. They were also drafting 2 catchers #1 in back to back seasons. So, you could sign them for under slot... Ward #26 & Thaiss #16. Previously, we've had so many issues in development that just getting #'s was more important. Then let them figure it out, washout as they will. Playing catch up Perry is bringing in guys who are closer to MLB ready and who may have 3-4 * tools and have 1 or 2 less positions to deal with in the future. As for the tools "Power" is usually the last that comes as you fill out and learn to lift. We've needed such a high influx of talent throughout the system. Perry has played catch up we even drafted what 20+ arms in that one draft... I'm actually excited to watch Caden Dana evolve that could be your future #1. His mental makeup is what you want. He goes after guys! Silseth also has the makeup. He throws well and attacks hitters. They both may end up being your #1 & #2 in the future.
  2. Correct, however, he is still inconsistent and throws too many pitches. Then speeds through everything when he gets in trouble.
  3. Very true IP, I'm more of a boots on the ground person. There are numerous companies that supply analytics based on in game pitching, hitting player evaluation today... I showed up with my gun and stop watch etc. And tracked pitches, counts, pop times, pitching stuff. Then the way the defenses were played in certain situations based on the hit cross referencewhere the location of pitch and pitch chosen. Throwing times from outfield to bases. You then cross reference with your players 1st to 3rds or home to 2nd times to guage probabilities of beating throws etc. I then would include my notes. 1-6 hitters take 1st pitch strike etc with the names of the hitters. These hitters take all breaking balls first or second pitch names etc. In the end, my notes and everything could be turned into a book of that game and anyone could read it. To gauge importance of each situation within the game and how each player did. 9x out of 10 they were effective in translation to beating the opposition and guaging talent, abilities and probabilities more so in season. As young players abilities change based on experience, work and time. I'm more of a game evaluator. Anyone can hit 300ft bombs in BP, hit behind a ghost runner, throw bullpens etc. I do like to watch infield drills and athleticism crossovers and glove side, see how they are at setting themselves up to make a strong throw etc. Buscones are pimping players and tools. Which is good if you have the Minor League Development side cleaned up! Then you're just rounding the edges.
  4. Many points brought with Victor with the whole Sandavol, rotation, and front office. 1. He has the ability. 2. Mindset, confidence and slowing the fricking game down. 3. He speeds through his mechanics falls behind a hit, error, walk he goes faster and faster until you're just dumping 5 gallon cans of gasoline around the house fire and you have explosions happening everywhere. 4. Rule #1 Just breath/relax I placed relax on my glove with white out he could use a sharpie! That's how basic I drop it down to. Then he has to reach down to grab the ball bring his glove up and see it. That was my mechanism. 5. It is literally impossible to throw a strike while checking a runner on 2nd. After youve started your motion without ever looking back at the target after you've gotten your sign. Until you are at release. Your arm lags and you then either let it go and it ends up. Or, you over compensate and it's down. 6. Same goes with no one on. It's an easy motion then explosion to your spot. Don't rush through as your arm will either lag or your front side will leak to get it near the zone then your pitch flattens out.
  5. @Chuck @Spirit Apologies, I've still gotta watch the podcast! Work has been nuts as everyone wants to leave early today for the Ishtar weekend... Just looked at photos: Ratt - Invasion of Privacy and Kiss - Unmasked...
  6. It's a lottery now, i thought that was for teams 6th place and higher?.... We're phucked.
  7. Great read.... I still see nothing from Perry that they are increasing Latin America scouting... You mention it as more of a assumption on reading in-between the lines. By assumption of following the Braves blueprint. Post something that Perry says international scouting will be increased or more prevalent. All I see, is a decrease in payroll at all levels from Players to Scouting and an increase in spending in the infrastructure of the SPT site Tempe Diablo... I could be incorrect? Are they breaking ground on their own Academy? Or, Co-Opping with a few other teams? Obviously, the Pacific Rim scouting is/has-been non-existent since Ohtani. I like the hiring of Washington and the staff. And the direction at the Major League level coaching wise. I'm still wondering of the Minor League Development side and coaching at the lower levels. Drafting close to MLB level players is great if they can stay healthy, have a good mindset and understand the mental side of the game and understand they need a short mindset when physical errors, mental mistakes, poorly executed pitches happen. Because that's also part of the game. It's a huge turning point with young players. It's hard to learn and get this in the MLB vacuum. That's something taught in the Minors. Thanks again Dave, great read !
  8. Mike Trout on his way to his first 50/50 season 50 bombs/56 RBI's since no one will get on base in front of him...
  9. What about them hanging out in the dugout in Korea before Ippei did the announcement in the Clubhouse....? Ohtani didn't beat the crap out of him for stealing 4.5M... They lived together and were inseparable for what 6 years here?.. and another 6 months, and SPT? Now that Theft/Embezzlement have occurred has LAPD, APD been contacted? Is there a arrest warrant out for Ippei? Will LAPD/APD be doing a Presser for this as well? I mean....That is a crime, am I right? Or, are they only worried about the gambling and Ohtani the baseball player? If this has gone over since he was playing here then APD must have a criminal case going on as well? Beyond the Federal Gambling charges... I mean Ohtani wants to press charges he's mad right?????
  10. That's how Ippei will pay the fines.... That Ohtani/Trout action WBC Card... there is only 3 autographed. 1 - Ohtani 1- Trout And Ippei has the 3rd.... And that one will be on the market soon...
  11. Forgot... Didn't we give him a 1.2M MLB deal?...
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