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Everything posted by SlappyUtilityMIF

  1. They're just collecting a paycheck as our guys come off the DL they will be DFA'ed or flat out released. These scrubs aren't staying, they're serving a purpose... 30-60-90 at bats and back to obscurity! It's 1980! Again....
  2. Solid. I may have laughed out loud.. Now, if his foot falls off. I'm blaming you!
  3. I know of Nemo, Schanope, O'Sloppy and the Pop Star? Who am I missing... Trips?
  4. It's too late to Free Whilly !!! He's down to .280 lost that window!
  5. No, I just looked at the large picture. Lost your #1 TORA (even if he was out this year. No replacement was brought in). Lost same player MOB didn't replace that position either. They counted on a guy with injury concerns who burned them the last 3 seasons. And their other Star is sliding...They dumped $ into the bullpen. Which isn't bad if you have the rotation that doesn't burn it out. And your rotation has continued to be consistently, inconsistent. For the most part, the lineup once the 2 star paid players went out again is anemic in producing any kind of consistent production. Some of the parts did well early. But, aren't the players that can be expected to carry a lineup. Ward is a great 7-9 hitter in a top lineup and a horrid MOB for us. Will avg 260-280 10-15 HRs 50-70 rbi. He is the LA equivalent to Frosted Tips.. He just isn't the type of athlete that can carry a team. He's a good support guy a right handed Kole Calhoun! There wasn't anyway to even improve all of it through FA this last winter. A few parts could have helped. But, they would have needed to drop another 65M AAV in the rotation (Snell is already out). And another 60-80M for the lineup and the bench. None of the Prospects dealt last winter would have helped this year 24 or in the next three seasons. I could go on. Meh, why bother. We're burnt toast waiting for the owner to sell.
  6. Out in 10 for good behavior! Right about the time for that differed dinero....
  7. Still wrapped... look at the replay. He probably dropped down to a lighter bat cause the other one was a light colored bat. He still had a long looping swing.
  8. Nice hit Moniak! Still wrapped, can see it with the darker bat. Lighter bat weight wise.. maybe?
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