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Everything posted by TobiasFunke

  1. A recent picture of alqueda was just posted online...
  2. two journalists that had no business being in that area of the world and took their lives into their own hands. IS right now is on the same level as North Korea in my opinion. Lots of threats and nothing to back it up. I'd be more scared of North Korea in my opinion than IS.
  3. We're halfway there guys, let's not stop until we get the job done! http://www.theguardian.com/environment/2014/sep/29/earth-lost-50-wildlife-in-40-years-wwf
  4. If this is what you meant earlier when you said anyone that criticized Obama was labeled a racist then they would be correct. Criticizing would be saying he does a terrible job at the economy for x,y,z reasons, labeling him as a Muslim for bullshit reasons is just straight ignorant. Sounds like you need to read the definition on criticizm again
  5. So why don't we let them do their jobs and not send troops to the Middle East?
  6. They also re-did Dirty Dancing. ANOTHER Swayze classic. This is getting weird...
  7. I'm kidding dude, I'm sure you've never called him a half-breed before. But back to the whole criticism = racism thing, I'm sure it depends on what you say, how you said it, and what person you say it to that would result in someone calling you a racist or not for criticizing the president.
  8. Growing up you were taught/assume that there are snipers on the roof of the white house with security at damn near every corner. Did this change?
  9. Listen, I know you and Flop are the same poster, but I'm talking to the flop user name now so log off and sign back on to "floplag". k? thnx!
  10. If you actually read the article they were talking about an offshoot of Al-queda that usually infights with IS/ISIS/ISIL now joining forces with them. It never said IS and ISIL are joining forces.
  11. Maybe if you didn't say "Obama sucks and it's primarily because he's a half-breed" you wouldn't be called a racist
  12. If I go to a liberal pro-Obama meeting and I criticize Obama on the way he's handled Afghanistan, I am not going to be called a racist.
  13. The pussification of America continues with this Modern Family director
  14. Just because you don't hear it doesn't mean it's not said. I'm sure there were ton of Republicans towards the end of Bush's 2nd term that was verbal about how they thought he did a crappy job with the Middle East once the dust cleared, just because I didn't hear an outroar of Republican dissent didn't mean it wasn't out there. And the whole critique = racism, I think you are dead wrong on that
  15. It happens on both sides, you just don't hear about it too often
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