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Everything posted by mancini79

  1. Just put tape over HAMILTON and write BUTT HURT
  2. So what is a "good representation of a christian"?
  3. Just for the first game I want to see Josh mash... Win or lose. Taking the series in Texas will do just fine.
  4. You can buy a red texas jersey at the team store for $1. That will piss off Anger fans even more.
  5. Rangers fans knew Josh wasn't coming back so they created all this crap to hate him on the way out. Hating a guy because of his faith is pathetic. He has also been forthcoming with his drug addiction to the public and NOW Rangers fans want to hold it against him. Rangers fans are embarrassing themselves in front of the world. Hope they keep it up. Washington also has battled with drugs but fans aren't holding that against him...at least until he leaves.
  6. Kendrick batted .435 in Spring. He's starting the season at .143. Weaver had a 5.40 ERA in Spring and put together a solid opening day start. You cannot predict how a player will start a season by looking at Spring stats.
  7. Growing up in central Cali in the 80's and early 90's, the only baseball coverage were the Giants or Dodgers. Since I loved listening to Vin, I swayed toward the Dodgers. I was more a fan of Vin and Piazza than I was of the team entirely. Then I moved to Orange County for college but still didn't have allegiance to any team. I more or less followed certain players and was a fan of baseball in general. I went to a few games at The Big A toward the end of the 2002 season and went to many playoff games and game 7 of the W.S. I was hooked and went all in being an Angels fan. I haven't wavered in the slightest since.
  8. Really Eric...you're counting Spring Training??
  9. Don't worry Josh, the boos in Texas will be drowned out by the cheers at The Big A.
  10. If you want to also include last season, then Bourjos should now be in AAA. You really can't use a slump late last year since it's not the same as the beginning of a season. Players tend to get tired toward the end of a long season and get into a bad rhythm. Trumbo has had all season to reset his timing and gain his energy. Using the beginning of a season is a great way to get a player back on track. I'm also a Bourjos fan, but can't fault Sosh for playing Trumbo.... for now.
  11. Not all that surprising. Only Angie or Kree going home would shock me at this point.
  12. Trumbo hasn't been hitting? It's only been 3 games.
  13. No way that's an error by Pujols. That ball was smoked.
  14. Pujols didn't bean the guy either.
  15. LOL, he does. But I wouldn't be caught dead wearing that shirt. Note: I would have done the same.
  16. Now that the media is involved, not sure how Rutgers can save this coach's job. The program is also in jeopardy because recruits will pass on Rutgers.
  17. Anything with COOKED apples. and Cheesecake.
  18. Someone needs to make a great video montage called "One Strike Away"
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