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Everything posted by beatlesrule

  1. So does when the pitch is delivered mean when it hits the catchers glove or the batter hits the ball? For example, could the INF simply just wait for the pitcher to throw the ball and then run into a shift as fast as they can?
  2. Yankees won that game on a walk off grand slam from Stanton. Judge is front and center on ESPN with #60. I don't think Ohtani is getting the same attention when he pitches a gem and has a good hitting game even though once again, Ohtani is doing something NO OTHER PLAYER has. Just imagine if Ohtani was on the Yankees too. ESPN wouldn't know what to do with themselves.
  3. -0.2 fWAR -0.7bWAR all for the low price of 3 million this year and 7 million the next 2 years.
  4. That grand slam from Santana might have already put the kibosh on the Angels sweeping.
  5. Yeah, I was shocked to find out that Ruth only won 1 MVP. Not sure if voting was different back then or what was going on.
  6. Framber Valdez sets MLB record with 25th consecutive quality start.
  7. Once again, you're wrong. Vlad was tied for hr, 5th in rbi's, 6th in walks and didn't blow away the 2nd place guy in most of the other main stats. Judge leads the AL in all of those and some by a large margin. Hell, he's leading baseball in a lot of the big stats. Another thing Vlad didn't do. I'm not surprised you are wrong though. Judge is having an amazing year and blowing away the 2nd place guy.
  8. What player was dominating like Judge and leading in almost every offensive category last year?
  9. Judge leads the league in mostly every offensive category. I don't believe Shohei leads the league in any hitting or pitching stat. I am not taking anything away from his awesomeness but voters look at that kind of stuff and Judge is just destroying the ball in every stat they care about. Add the fact he's on a first place team going to the playoffs and he's going to win the MVP.
  10. Just shut him down for the rest of the year. Have him completely healthy for 2023.
  11. Well, Stassi is certainly showing young fans how not to play catcher. Totally ruined that awesome throw from Ward.
  12. I was banned from a video game message board because I posted that the guys wife sounded more like his Mom when she told him he isn't allowed to buy a PS4.
  13. I finally got into the stock market 2 months ago so a recession would likely make those stocks fall and I would look like a sap. Most of the articles I read said it was a good time to buy so no idea why they would state that if they knew a recession was coming. A sale of the team before the start of 2023 could happen or not happen depending on how serious Arte is. Is he asking for 3 billion and not budging? 4 billion? Forbes says they are worth 2.2 billion so I'm curious what Arte is asking. I don't feel like researching what teams sell for vs what Forbes has them valued at but I would guess they always sell for more and maybe a lot more.
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