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Everything posted by beatlesrule

  1. Well it is only 4-2 in the bottom of the third so they haven't been that pathetic today.
  2. If you don't want to watch, the summary is that Arte is a great marketer and despite wasting all that FA money and the failed Wells trade with terrible wins to dollars spent, he is still going to win in the end because he will probably sell the team for 3 billion after buying it for under market value from Disney. A HUGE, MONUMENTAL return on his investment.
  3. Sorry if old. It's too long for me to watch right now but it's right there if you want to. I have no idea how accurate it is but I am sure he will talk about Wells, Hamilton etc and of course Pujols.
  4. These playoffs have had a good amount of comebacks so far. Teams can't just settle. They need to keep scoring runs. Dodgers up 5-3 top 6th and Padres have 2 on with 1 out.
  5. This is why you ALWAYS run and assume the ball is in play.
  6. So players like Bregman and Altuve weren't involved? He didn't remove everyone.
  7. I don't see how any Angels fan or really any non Astros fan in general could want the Astros to advance. Angels fans especially unless they are that jaded that Dipoto is in the playoffs.
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