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Everything posted by OregonLAA

  1. We have 5 losses when the other team has scored 3 runs or less. Hitting is an issue. And this doesn't count the A's game where we couldn't put them away in 19 innings. The pitching did its job that night
  2. Very inconsistent pitching. Lincecum is up and down and Cain has started off really slow. Bum has been their best. Everyone else has been very inconsistent. Just like us. Except we don't have our ace. And taking Richards out of the rotation was stupid
  3. I just named two teams who aren't pitching particularly well but are hitting and are above .500. One is leading the division. So obviously games can be won with offense. The Angels are in 12th in runs scored and 12th in runs allowed. So obviously the blame is split. How can you just say it's just the pitching when the offense ranks in the exact same spot?
  4. We are 12th in runs scored and 12th in runs given up in the AL. Sounds like half to me
  5. Look at the Rockies and Giants numbers. Mediocre pitching and good hitting has them doing just fine. Also, don't be such an ass
  6. It's like half the problem. I think it is as just as much the problem as the pitching if not more
  7. Blanton sucks. But who else should we have signed? Seriously.
  8. It works for the NFL. I guess it's more up to the teams to quit falling for it more than anything. I'm just frustrated with Hamilton big time
  9. We pretty much got Wells for a few more years. It's really annoying. I'm sick of watching guys across the league get big deals then do absolutely nothing. I wish there was no guaranteed money in baseball. It's bullshit
  10. Your weird font fooled me, but I'm on to you
  11. We lead the league in double plays. Yet we don't try to steal very often. I'm sorry, but that's ****ing stupid
  12. He has to have serious mental issues. The guy is gifted, but mistakes like this will ruin your career. I bet he takes a year or two off and gets "better" and someone gives him a chance. Probably the Patriots
  13. He's 23. He's too old for A ball. He should have been called up 2 years ago to AAA when he was still in college
  14. Shane arguing with Lifetime is watching the Yankees play the Red Sox. I want them to both lose, but I know one of them has to win
  15. You're an idiot. Bourjos was doing great before he was hurt. How can you continue to be such a moron after Bourjos started off so well?
  16. DDL has been pretty damn good. Thanks Dipoto
  17. Let's add Marcum to the list that some of you GM's wanted Yeesh
  18. And you "huh"ed my comment?
  19. We assembled an "amazing" pitching staff last year. Look how that turned out. There is only so much the man can do
  20. So tell me who you would have gotten for the bullpen. I'd love to know
  21. I must admit, I thought he would be awful, but I agree that I don't like that contract
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