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Everything posted by FabulousFabregas

  1. "I've been talking to Bud Selig and we're looking into playing the Astros more. Our guys are at the top of our game when we face them, Butchy and Jimmy are having them watch tapes from those games. The intangibles are just there when we play the Astros, and they're one of the better teams in the AL West, they're neck and neck with Oakland and Texas. There's a lot we can learn from them. I wasn't really focused on tonight's game, because of the tragedy, that being that they don't serve lasagna any more at games in Minnesota. It's a damn shame, their lasagna was championship caliber, it's a heavy page to turn. I'll check out the box score later, Roger Lodge texted me though and he said we did great. The Halo Honks are real happy with this team."
  2. Me and a buddy did this a couple of years ago. Asked what Sexy Rexy was up to and demanded that Brandon Wood get more playing time (he was playing like dog shit).
  3. "Roth's just a gigolo, the ball explodes when he's got his hand on it."
  4. Jerry Dipoto: "If we miss the playoffs you'll replace Reagins as my bitch. Good luck micromanaging coffee runs."
  5. I don't think everybody from the 2002 team would make good managers. Salmon and Anderson seem too passive/diplomatic to be good managers, maybe good hitting coaches. Erstad and Percivil seem like future major league managers to me though, or at the very least coaches.
  6. Crowd was pretty good, loud crowd too. Richards was great, I didn't see any problems with his stuff until the 7th when he clearly got tired (been in the pen the last 2 weeks). I think he'll definitely replace Blanton in the rotation when Weaver gets back. Albert was great, like night and day compared to last April. The team still had lots of problems scoring guys on base though, but Albert came through when we needed it most.
  7. I wasn't in the chatroom tonight, if my username was listed on there I have no clue why. I did make a few posts on my phone though at the game/in the parking lot.
  8. Was at game, great time. I knew if we could get Pujols up we'd win.
  9. I know we've got quite a few guys injured, but Shuck leading off makes zero sense. Trout leading off with Kendrick or Iannetta hitting second seems far more practical. Or, how about playing Bourjos? Our lack of depth though is being totally exposed, we need to trade for an Izturis type utility infielder pronto.
  10. He said something along those lines last year.
  11. K-Rod at this point would be an improvement over multiple guys in our pen.
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