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Everything posted by 101halo

  1. Upton so un-clutch, no chance he does something good here. (c'mon anti jinx...)
  2. At least Johnson limited the damage! ...yeah, I'm not even fooling myself with that.
  3. Buck eighty nine ERA today. Decimal point after the nine. Not quite gonna get it done.
  4. Newcomb gets 26 outs without a hit. Pena gets 1 out with 7 runs. Fun.
  5. How do we just now finally have someone loosening in the pen?
  6. If there is any chance that the coaching staff hadn't noticed yet, this would be an all time best post from a new poster. Wish I'd recorded it to see if my untrained eyes could see the same.
  7. Alright thanks. As long as I have your attention, please ask Tony Reagins to tell Arte to tell Eppler to DFA Valbuena next time you have lunch with him at Del Taco, thanks in advance.
  8. Weird, for as long as I've been reading here, even before posting that's one I don't remember. In any case, it wasn't you that set me off, something else I read from an old acquaintance, you just gave me an excuse to vent. So sorry/thanks.
  9. I love this, kudos! Fair warning, I'ma gonna political rant on a sports site, stop reading if you hate that. I realize I'm not typical, but I am generally a lib (more so culturally than economically), and I laughed at your joke, because it's hilarious and true. What frustrates me is the many people that share my views and are assholes about it, sometimes worse than Jehovah Witness doorknockers. We're not ALL that stereotype of the suburban yoga soccer mom or self-hating man that doesnt self-hate only because he's proud of disowning his white privilege by having besties from another race. I lived in SF for college for 5 years and the incessant "better than our unfortunately uninformed fellow humans" elitism is totally real and the #1 reason I had to leave. I still hold the same liberal views, but get super frustrated when I hear the libtard jokes, not at the person telling them, but at those that share my views and decide to be jerks about it, making the jokes accurate and fair game. And then "we" judge "righties" for being selfish pricks that don't care about other people. Because that totally makes sense. Maybe I do fit the self hating dude narrative after all, oops. Alright, rant off, back to baseball. Screw those libtard Oakland and Seattle hippies, go Angels! (Mods, yeah, this may be out of line even if I'm mocking myself in the process, delete if out of bounds, sorry).
  10. I respect him going on a fake DL to fix his swing. So many would refuse. What a story, even if it really contributed to our team's May-Jun disaster. Other guys gotta step up when one of your own is struggling.
  11. That is the funniest double call from Victor, and he knows it. Fogetaboutthisoneeeeeedouble.
  12. They should do minor league affiliate class reunions like they do for high school. Arcia would get so much tail at his 25 year reunion in 2031.
  13. I almost want Seattle to score 5 more runs just so that they get a 1 run loss for once. On second thought, oh God no. My bad.
  14. I read we traded him straight up tonight for Kimbrel. Red Sox get Franciscahhhh Arciahhhh, but renounce rights to Sweet Caroline.
  15. While I think this is a joke, you're right in a way. Kole has been super consistent until late 17/early 18. Harper has been a roller-coaster. If you only got the low bar for Bryce, well, we have Pujols v2.
  16. #Rally4tdawgsAIDS That's meant to help rather than rooting for the AIDS, in case it isn't clear. F*ck yo AIDS. (New people: tdawg does not have AIDS)
  17. On second thought, pass, Harper too streaky. You see that AVG this year?
  18. Missed our chance to trade Arcia for Bryce or Correa or Lindor. Damnit.
  19. Uh, Denard? You da nard. Get your ass off our field.
  20. C'mon take a free pass Valbuena. Want GOAT to get bases loaded chance.
  21. Which one has happened more tonight? Arcia RBIs or Fletcher plays at 3B? It's gotta be close.
  22. What's stupid is that 12 years proved he couldn't really hit righties, either. Then all hell broke lose.
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