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Posts posted by RallyMo

  1. So no welfare, no health care system, no taxes except for a a bare bones federal government?


    You've read into and extended what he wrote as you see fit, and then you went the extra mile to say that you agree with his statement more than he does on the basis of your interpretation of his statement. That's impressive.


    I suggest you take a closer look at his use of apostrophes.

  2. From what I hear, Monty turned down the job and pointed Guerrero in the direction of Howland 10 years ago. Maybe he doesn't want the job. But this is the tier of coaches I think UCLA ends up with.

    Nate, I know about all that extra stuff that led to Howlands demise. But it doesn't change the level of expectation with any coach brought in here.


    I don't think that makes him likely to take the job now.

  3. Actually I am personally in favor.  Although simply opinion I believe a certain sector of the media has flaunted it too much and do think accidental mutations in the womb a possibility.  Some scientists have pointed out that with all the other modern pollutives the modern pregnant mother has to deal with already, pharmecutical pollution, as in side effects has obviously risen and should be studied more in depth.  Pharmacuticals and poisonous food additives not the sole reason but maybe  exacerbating it.


    That's all well and good, and you're certainly entitled to your beliefs as to cause (though I doubt research will ultimately bear them out), but precipitating factors are COMPLETELY irrelevant to the granting of rights. In a world where you're correct and such is used as the basis for the denial of rights, you might as well deny persons born with developmental disorders caused by radiation exposure while in utero.


    The solution to your concerns is not a denial of rights, but a more careful examination of environmental and technological issues.


    Stop conflating these two completely separate concepts, and if you aren't doing that, start using the ability to start different paragraphs more effectively.

  4. The other thing to remember about UCLA is the fact that it has such a high expectation. It is not a lifetime coaching gig. Stevens or Smart could come here, get to a couple of Sweet 16s maybe a final four over 10 years, then what? The first lull, as what has happened with Howland, results in a firing.


    These guys (Stevens and Smart) have lifetime jobs at their respective schools if they want them. They already exceeded expectations and can't fail unless they go 3-5 years worth of losing seasons.


    UCLA is a tough place to get a gig. That said, I will be rooting for Oregon to beat Louisville because I think that's the only way UCLA has a chance at Pitino. Pitino wants the gig, was ready to come here twice, most recently in 2010 when the "Howland should be fired" rumors first started.


    If that fails, I think they look at Monty and  Romar.


    A 66 year old that more or less hates recruiting would be perfect for UCLA. With that said, he's do a better job on the court with talent than whoever you end up getting if it's not him. I honestly think Monty might be able to turn around UCLA, and quickly (Cal has the best Pac12 record over the five years he's been our coach), but I don't know that he'd want to take the UCLA job at this point.


    I'd be absolutely SHOCKED if Monty ended up at UCLA, but I guess anything could happen.

  5. I have to ask: if a person is actually born gay (and boy it sure seems that there is a genetic basis for it, mutation or not), how in the world does it make sense to choose to deny them a right (and associated benefits) that will have absolutely no effect on the rights of others? Would it be similarly fair to deny such rights to those born of a particular sex, with blonde hair, albinism or Down Syndrome IF no harm would directly come of it to others? Furthermore, how in the world does it make sense to do so on the foundation of a belief based in chosen (not inherent) faith that a person can opt to hold or dismiss and is NOT born with?


    ...and if they aren't born gay, how are their rights and accompanying ability to have equal benefits in this respect somehow less important than those of those that choose to abide by a faith that guides them in thinking that being gay is wrong?


    As always, I think we should strip the term "marriage" from the government vocabulary, but that's not ever going to happen.

  6. From what I can see some folks see this as a "genetics" vs. "learned" issue. From Conervative vs. Liberal to Creation vs. Evolution, once again, the PTB widdle down a complicated issue to pushing people into taking one of two sides. I see a full fledged "learned" agenda with a possible Genetic manipulation riding shotgun, possibly inadvertant.  There is is a chance genetic manipulation at some level is happenning in the womb from consumed Exitotoxins, pesticides, hormone induced food and GMO foods to name a few sources. At the same time, Feminizing males as well as dumbing them down with Female's being masculiniized is being pushed to the forefront more than ever in film and TV. Men are being portrayed as stupid fat fools that mom and kids disrespect and if he isn't a stupid fat bumbling fool, Joe Blow is gay or at least Metrosexual. This lifestyle wouldn't sustain humanity yet we are being told to accept it? Powerful people control the entertainment industry and has made this acceptable to those sheeple that believe they themselves as sheeple are a driving force behind trends. I have found most of these people don't know the AMA, who whole heartedly backs gay marriage is privatley owned and not government. That screams agenda. I am not even against gay marraige but I don't like who is providing the propaganda. It's BS to be told to be tolerant while just within a few years it oozed through society like water filling in the sidewalk cracks.


    There are more holes in your post than the world has plugs for.

  7. From my Facebook feed via a friend's post:


    "I support with this disclaimer: This is a political issue, not a religious one. I don't think that the government should tell people who they can and cannot marry. As a Christian, my interpretation of scripture classifies homosexuality as a sin, but it also classifies drunkenness, lust, divorce, and pretty much everything else as such (though Christian society in general treats homosexuality much worse for some unknown reason, I have no idea why, don't ask me). If the government legislated what I believed was a sin, we'd all be in jail. Getting angry is a sin, thinking you're better than others, not giving everything you have away... yeah glad those aren't laws.

    People who sin are not my enemies. And by that I mean everything single person to ever be born are not my enemies. It's not the government's job to keep me from looking at porn, it's not the government's job to make sure that I tell my wife I love her from time to time, it's not the government's job to make sure that I give to charities and don't spend all my money on my own pleasures, while the world starves. The government is there to protect freedom. The government is not my nanny, it's not my momma, and it's not Jesus.

    How we are raised and what we believe are right and wrong is not the government's business. Don't mistake your child for your dog, and don't mistake your religion for your government. In a free society we should all be free to swing sticks wherever we want, so long as we don't hit anyone with them. So there you have it, a fundi-Christian supporting the legal right gay marriage"



  8. I don't track it, maybe I should.  Maybe 0.5 GB/month.


    Track it. If you're not using a lot of streaming and your data use is actually that low, I don't think there would be any reason for you to be concerned about throttling on any provider.


    If you somehow use less than 100 mins of talk a month, TMobile offers a no-contract plan though Walmart that is $30 a month for unlimited text and 4G data w/ 100 mins. 


    Also, the aforementioned Straight Talk appears to be solid.


    I've stuck with Sprint as I have a referral plan that's ridiculously reasonable, but I definitely would have jumped already were it not for that and I still might when my contract is up later this year.

  9. well that sucked.

    stupid mental mistakes for the bears. how many times did they give it away in the final 5 mins?


    A thousand. It was like they thought that the zone Syracuse plays was some sort of wizardry. Crabbe is a great player but I don't understand why he took himself out of the game like he did. He kept playing further and further away. His hesitancy to do something with the ball ended up being the difference in the game. He needed another wake up moment. I'm pretty sure he's gone but there's a chance he could stay.


    They were in a position to take the game at the end, but couldn't do it.


    It didn't feel like a 6 point loss. It felt like a 25 point loss


    Solomon had a spectacular game. His development this year was amazing and his turn around in all areas (basketball and academics) is commendable.

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