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Posts posted by RallyMo

  1. They do realize that they state "Why give him the attention? Pay the least amount of attention as possible" while starting a publicity campaign, opening a Twitter account, launching a Facebook page and holding giveaways that, ahem, do absolutely noting but focus attention exclusively on Josh Hamilton?

  2. Does Dykes plan on using Bigelow for two carries a game or three carries a game?

    Woah, woah, woah. Pump the brakes there. You don't simply use gamebreaking playmakers more than twice a game. You've got to be unpredictable.


    ...but yeah. I assume he'll see the field a lot more. It's still insane to me that Tedford didn't have them draw up more plays for him.


    Bigs is injured and won't be able to get back on the field until summer, though, so that's a bit of a bummer.


    ...and speaking of Tedford: they cut his byebye deal earlier this month: $5.something million.

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