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Everything posted by RallyMo

  1. I don't think that's accurate, unless they're changing the incremental nature of the tax code. Whatever the case is, the people that voted for him because they thought he'd better represent the working dude and dudette are in for a shock. He's a massive con artist.
  2. Welp, Dykes isn't going anywhere. I sure hope he figures out defense. Speaking of which, guess who the hell's name I'm seeing thrown around as legitimately in play to be the new DC for us? It's freaking unbelievable, and his name rhymes with "squash."
  3. He puts the "con" in conservative.
  4. The OL is horrendous. The receivers are absolutely awful. Goff is screwed this year. When you look at his stat line, you'd think he absolutely sucks. When you look at his actual play, you fully understand the stat line. Seriously, look at film of both his INTs from yesterday: unbelievable. Look at stat #5 here: https://www.profootballfocus.com/pro-5-pff-stats-you-need-to-know-from-nfl-week-13/ He's used to pressure. His first year at Cal he had his ass handed to him on a regular basis, but he had receivers that could actually catch passes. He'd be doing much better if he were on another team. The least the Rams could do would be to get guys that can catch the ball and not have the worst OL in the history of bad OLs. Fisher blows.
  5. What makes you certain that the body hasn't been stripped of its head?
  6. Tangled was when they kinda got their stuff back together. Wreck It Ralph, Big Hero 6 and Zootopia were all great. Hell, even the new Winnie The Pooh film that they did a few years back was great (songs were by the Frozen/Book of Mormon team). It perfectly captured the spirit of the old Pooh stuff as well as how dumb the characters are portrayed to be in the written material. For a company that was considered to be struggling in the early 00's before buying Pixar, Disney has performed astoundingly well, making spot on acquisitions and vastly improving the quality of in house productions.
  7. Moana 10/10 This film was freaking fantastic. Disney can't stop hitting them out of the park lately. The Disney studio is on a run that's as good or better than the one that Pixar had when they couldn't miss.
  8. Of course it was right, Trump is and always has been a con man extraordinaire. I do think that plenty of people believed that Trump was going to "drain the swamp," though. He wouldn't have made it past the primaries if people weren't buying in.
  9. I was making Hope and Change posts right off the bat. This swamp restocking was easy to see coming. Nothing was drained.
  10. Sooo, it looks like coach is gonna be Baylor's target now. Weird.
  11. Sure, it's not famous for BBQ outside of that whole thing that happened in the 90's, but I'm sure we can find somewhere that's good. See you in March, man.
  12. I appreciate the apology. It's just a shame, because a great majority of people that I disagree with are logic capable creatures.
  13. You didn't age or evolve, your brain had an epic temper tantrum.
  14. Well, it definitely wasn't the football team.
  15. Unbelievable. You may not be this way off the board, but on here you come across as a very easily swayed, combative dumbfu*k who has absolutely no regard for even the most basic application of logic in many cases.
  16. Their revenues make USC's look unprofessional. I bet just about anybody would like to coach at UT if they can handle the stage and pressure.
  17. Yeah! Also, we will simultaneously ban lobbyists and drain the swamp! These things mesh well.
  18. I wasn't taught with this method, but what in the everloving hell is so conceptually difficult about this that parents are banging their heads against the walls? It's really simple.
  19. What makes you think we have defenders for any given game?
  20. They'll just have to arrange connecting flights for the warheads.
  21. They can put the warheads on a 737, numbnutz. You know nothing.
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