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Everything posted by tdawg87

  1. Watch Pujols' foot fall off while trying to steal home in the 9th inning down by 1 run with no outs.
  2. I will slap my erection as hard as I can if the Angels hold onto this lead.
  3. I see what you are saying, but I think he joined the military for more "patriotic" reasons than "fuk ya kill dem arabs". I think he got caught up in the patriotism surrounding 9/11 and thought by joining the military he was going to do his country a service by defending it. Unfortunately he seemed to have skimmed over the "fine print" regarding military service. Is that Bush/Cheney's fault? Perhaps, but being an American he had the choice to stay home and play video games but instead he elected to join the military. I do like his point about the treatment of veterans post-war, but I suppose that is a discussion for another thread.
  4. I'd be fine with bringing K-Rod back as a middle reliever, then just using Frieri as the closer. He's better than anything the Angels have in the minors right now, and would be nice insurance to have in case Jepsen turns back into a turd.
  5. I'm sure he'll still be smirking when his butthole is being viciously pounded by a 300 pound black man.
  6. Signing Madson wasn't a bad decision. Signing Madson and then pretty much laying your hopes on him being the closer was.
  7. I'll play devil's advocate here and remind everyone that Snyder was signed to a "minor league deal". That does not equal "automatic spot on the 25 man roster". For all we know, Conger is the favorite to take the backup spot and Snyder was signed for depth purposes. If Conger or Iannetta get hurt, or Conger doesn't work out, bam, Snyder.
  8. Just because Arte is willing to spend a lot of money on a specific player, doesn't mean he isn't worried about cost. He got Pujols and Hamilton because they were the best hitters on the market and thought they would help the team win a WS. You also seem to be mistaking "wanting to win now" with "not caring about the future". Trumbo clearly has a future with the Angels. Morales clearly didn't.
  9. Morales costs more than Trumbo. Morales is a FA after this year. Morales is a Boras client.
  10. The Angels could drop a 10 spot on SD and still lose because the minor league dumpster squad hasn't come into the game yet.
  11. Let me see that THOOOOooooong Baby That thong tha thong thong thong
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