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Everything posted by Mark68

  1. I'm just now reading this thread. I have kinda tuned out because the team apparently has. This sucks. What a bad couple of weeks for AW. RIP Brandon.
  2. With the “pitching coach” the Angels have? Most likely…
  3. I honestly couldn’t give a flying fuck if Rendon ever suits up for the Angels again. He’s a sunk cost wasting a roster spot…and that’s on those rare occasions he actually plays. Maybe he’ll prove me wrong in 2024. I have my doubts… With Stassi, I truly hope everything works out. Whatever he’s dealing with is obviously more important than baseball.
  4. This season has to be one of the most (if not THE) most frustrating seasons to be an Angel fan. They take Ohtani off the market and make several trades, announcing that they’re going “all in” on getting into the playoffs, only to then proceed to lose 9 of their next 11 (so far) since the trade deadline. Instead of going all in, they should have just traded Ohtani for the best package they could get and folded their losing hand. Now, Ohtani’s going to walk and they’ll get nothing for him but a compensatory pick (as I assume he’ll get a QO). This season was ultimately bound to fail when Arte announced that he wouldn’t be selling the team. This (I believe) is why they ended up not trading Shohei. Yeah, the injuries certainly didn’t help, but neither did the coaching staff. The team simply does not seem to make adjustments, especially the starting pitchers. If Matt Wise and Phil Nevin are retained for another year, I’m going to have a hard look at how closely I continue to follow this team. I don’t blame Perry for the position this team finds itself in. He definitely went out and addressed needs—as much as he could. I place blame squarely on the Owner’s Box and the coaching staff, although the players themselves also share that blame. At some point, the players need to step it up, and by and large, they have failed to do so.
  5. It’s pretty pathetic when the MLB app shows the Angels’ Game Story as “Grichuk gets Angels on the board.” Pretty soon, it’ll be “(Insert Angels pitcher here) gets an out”.
  6. Hopefully, there's a new pitching coach who can unlock the secret next year.
  7. I was also looking at Altuve getting older, and did I REALLY want any additional Astros on my team?
  8. This sucks, because I was expecting huge things from Detmers this year. I turned down an Altuve-for-Detmers trade before the season (Scoresheet Baseball). FML
  9. Detmers needs to get out of his head. He's just not pitching with any semblance of confidence.
  10. For those who had Estevez in your top 3. how do you feel about him now? My 3 are Canning, Moore, Moniak
  11. Allowing leadoff home runs after they've taken the lead is the Angels' Way...
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