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Everything posted by T.G.

  1. These are the people that wanted to cancel Seinfeld after one episode.
  2. All the owners are "super rich." Moreno spends plenty - he just hasn't always spent wisely. But yes... you can blame the overall failures on Arte.
  3. AO, we heard you the other 1,000 times, but Perry never has not and no matter how many times you post the same shit, he's never going to read it.
  4. @Blarg... now would be a good time for you to run on to the field and punch a couple of Astros.
  5. Every time Pujols homers, some AW members taste a little shit in their mouths...
  6. For some reason that Buttercup song keeps playing in my head. Let's hope Rendon and Trout are back in the lineup and the Angels can get a split in this series.
  7. FFS, some real cry babies in this thread. It's just baseball. You win some, you lose some. It's a long season. I'm just glad I get to watch a full season and I'm going to watch as many games as I can. With everything else going on in the world, losing a game is a small thing. Yes, it sucks - but this season is just getting started and I'll be damned if I'm going to miss watching Trout and Ohtani because one day, that show will end. I'm going to soak it all up.
  8. Field of Dreams "King Kong ain't got shit on me."
  9. I’m over today’s game. Had a nice meal. Watched “For All Mankind.” I’m ready for tomorrow’s game.
  10. For All Mankind redeemed itself. S2 E10 was outstanding. I mean, it was really outstanding.
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