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Everything posted by BaseballMom

  1. My daughter took me to Slaters for Mother's Day....Burgers, Beers and baseball. She knows.
  2. My avatar is from that game at Throwbacks...what a great day!
  3. That wouldn't happen in a public school in California. If a student cannot attend school due to a medical issue, but is able to receive some instruction, there is something called Home/Hospital teaching. The district sends a teacher to the home or the hospital to teach the student a couple of times a week, depending on the circumstances.
  4. Our truancy cases are tried in juvenile court and they will usually issue ankle monitors before sending them to juvenile hall. We invite families with attendance problems to a parent meeting that is run by the District Attorney's office before we bring them to a SARB meeting. There are a lot of interventions that are done before we get to that point. I remember at one time the Police Department was thinking about not sending an officer, but that day we had 2 families that had a parent who was either on parole or probation. They always send an officer now.
  5. Truancy is a big problem. We are an elementary district and you wouldn't believe how many people think it's no big deal if their kids miss 20 or more days of school a year. When children miss school, they miss instruction and fall behind. Then they don't want to go to school because they are behind. It becomes a vicious cycle. In California students are considered habitual truants if they have 5 or more unexcused absences. There are school teams that usually include the principal, school nurse, counselor, etc. They are usually helpful in discovering the reasons for the truancy and putting steps in place to stop it. Sometimes parents don't even realize how many times their students have been absent until they get one of the automatic letters. Our Student Attendance Review Board (SARB) consists of 2 principals, a police officer, a social worker, a nurse, a probation officer and a few people from community outreach organizations. oh, and me...
  6. The teacher assigns work for the student and the parent has make sure the student does all the work. If they demonstrate that they learned the skill and did the work while they were gone, the absences are excused and the district gets the ADA funding. It's only appropriate for short time and students who are independent learners.
  7. You might also want to ask about Independent Study if they are going to be out for 5 days or more. They don't have to offer it, but some of our schools do when it's appropriate for the student.
  8. Is it a SARB hearing? You usually won't have a hearing until you have many unexcused absences. Are these the canned generic letters that are automatically sent? If they are, those are parent notifications that are required by law.
  9. This is what I believe. You can't rely on your religious beliefs to save you from your demons. You have to rely on yourself, perhaps with help from your religious beliefs, but ultimately it is your battle to fight. Sometimes I think people assume that if they voice their beliefs enough, that everything will work out. I hope that Josh and his wife can have a civil relationship for the sake of their children.
  10. They all tweet links to the news articles...it is what it is.
  11. Anyone else think that Poozy owns a Vape shop?
  12. You seriously do not think that this is marketing to kids?
  13. E-cigs are used to deliver other drugs besides nicotine and are marketed to kids. We have had 5th graders bring them to school and pass them around.
  14. Seriously. They signed him even though he needs a babysitter to keep him from relapsing. Come on, that's a recipe for disaster right there.
  15. While I was at spring training this year, my co-worker broke into my office and did this horrific thing:
  16. Favorite Don Baylor quote "I won't be catching any more first pitches"
  17. We have never had a problem when we do brunch there, but we are usually the first ones there beating down the door...
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